初心的英文 初心用英語怎麼說?
one's original intention/desire/aspiration
常用 權威
1. 初心不改
have one's first desire unchanged
1. 永遠記住去採取禪裡的“初心”。
Always remember to adopt Zen \beginner's mind.\
2. 感謝收看,感謝大家保持初心。
Thanks for watching and thank you for being YOU.
3. 他的初心
His original intentions were good, his problems were in his methods.
4. 方丈思慮許久,告誡他不忘初心,準他下山了。
Warned him abbot thought for a long time, mont forget to beginners mind, he went down the mountain.
5. 初心就是探索、觀察並發現“事情本質”的一種 表現。
Beginner's mind is just present to explore and observe and see 'things as-it-is.'
6. 最重要的是,你們找到指引你們走到今天的初心、勇氣、智慧。
And most of all, you've got yourselves -- and all of the heart, and grit, and smarts that got you to this day.
7. 東南亞版專有!下次更新後,將出現最新的職業——超級初心者!
MapleSEA exclusive! In the next patch, take on the newest Job Class - SuperBeginner!
8. 他會問你一個簡單的問題來考驗你的勇氣,並確認你想成為超級初心者。
He will ask you to prove your courage with a simple question and confirm that you want to be a SuperBeginner (There is no way to undo the job change).
9. 在Adult Swim播出的《武士傑克》第五季是關於找到他的初心的。
Season 5 on Adult Swim will be all about Jack finding his way back to the man he was before.
10. 在他無比充實的一生中的很多時刻,他仍力圖迴歸初心,歸零。迴歸未知狀態。
At many points in his very full life, he was still seeking to return to a beginner's mindset, to zero. To unlearn.
《初心》是由中央電視臺、中國人民解放軍八一電影製片廠等聯合出品,吳京安、丁柳元、徐永革等主演,宋業明、靳濱林執導,雷獻和、王杉、季明傑擔任編劇的抗戰電視劇,於2018年2月5日在中央一套首播。 該劇以原新疆軍區後勤部部長甘祖昌(吳京安 飾)和他的老伴、全國道德模範龔全珍(丁柳元 飾)的先進事蹟為原型創作,講述了他們始終不忘讓鄉親們都過上好日子的莊嚴約定,帶領鄉親們艱苦奮鬥、改變家鄉落後面貌的感人故事。
名詞 one's original intention/desire/aspiration
1. 初心不改
have one's first desire unchanged