啟動的英文 啟動用英語怎麼說?
come into effect 起作用, 奏效
set in motion 使開始運轉;引發;引起;觸發
open up 敞開心扉;開火
initiate v.開始;發起;創始;接受… 加入秘密社團;吸收;內行人;介紹…參加;使知曉
rev up 加速;加快;加速運轉
常用 權威
1. 啟動器
2. 啟動電機
switch on the motor
3. 冷啟動
cold boot
4. 啟動盤
starter disc
5. 自動啟動器
6. 啟動歐元
launch the euro
7. 啟動裝置
starting equipment
8. 啟動電壓
starting/trigger voltage
9. 慢動作啟動器
slow-motion starter
10. 串並聯啟動器
series-parallel starter
11. 啟動專案
start up a project
12. 快速啟動
quick start; fast starting
13. 啟動程式
bootleg program; starter; initiator
14. 啟動系統
launching/start-up system
15. 高速啟動
high-speed start
16. 冷態啟動
cold start-up
17. 啟動計算機
start a computer
18. 熱態再啟動
warm restart
19. 重新啟動
restart; reboot
20. 啟動功率
starting power
1. 它剛剛啟動了一年一度的週年促銷。
It has just launched its annual anniversary sales.
2. 計算機將在幾秒鐘後自行啟動。
The computer will start by itself in a few seconds.
3. 兩院的法案將啟動醫療保險的試點專案。
The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare.
4. 學生們應該在一個專案啟動之前培養關鍵技能。
Students should develop the key skills before they start a project.
5. 當你睡覺的時候,你的大腦會重新啟動並自我清理。
When you sleep, your brain restarts and cleans itself.
6. 他輕輕地拍了一下什麼東西。發動機立即重新啟動。
He tapped (敲打) something gently. The engine started back up at once.
7. 我已經啟動了一個專案來促進我們學校的藝術教學。
\I've started a project to promote the teaching of the arts in our schools.\
8. Scandinavian航空公司決定啟動一個短期的再培訓專案。
Scandinavian Airlines decided to start up a short retraining program.
9. 嘗試重新登入,檢查您的WiFi或重新啟動您的計算機,如果需要的話。
Try logging(登入)back on, check your WiFi or restart your computer if you need to.
10. 當前經濟工作的重點是啟動市場。
The emphasis of current economic work is on getting the market in gear.
啟動(英文:start),讀音qǐ dòng,漢語詞語。基礎釋義為(機器、儀表、電氣裝置等)開始工作;(法令、規劃、方案等)開始實施或進行;還有開拓;發動的意思。例句為:“T年啟動的股權分置改革,成功推動了過去兩年中波瀾壯闊的牛市。” 近義詞:發動、開動、開始。反義詞:關閉、停止。
《啟動》(시동)是由崔正烈執導,崔正烈、趙錦山擔任編劇,馬東錫、樸正民、丁海寅等主演的喜劇電影,於2019年12月18日在韓國上映。 該影片改編自同名人氣漫畫,講述了離家出走的叛逆兒澤日(樸正民 飾)與盲目踏入社會並滿腔熱血的尚弼(丁海寅 飾)的成長故事。
動詞 (of a machine, an apparatus, etc) start (up); switch/turn on
1. 我的汽車太舊了,只有搖曲柄才能啟動。
Mine is a very old car.It has to be cranked to start.
2. 駕駛員啟動了汽車馬達。
The driver started up the motor of the car.
3. 冷啟動
cold boot
4. 重新啟動
restart; reboot
5. 啟動裝置
starting equipment
6. 啟動計算機
start a computer
7. 啟動發動機/汽車
start (up) a generator/car
8. 啟動電機
switch on the motor
動詞 (of a decree, programme, etc) come under way; come into effect; set in motion; enforce (law); implement (a plan, etc)
1. 該工程已經正式啟動。
The project has officially started up.
2. 啟動專案
start up a project
動詞 open up; initiate; rev up
1. 當前經濟工作的重點是啟動市場。
The emphasis of current economic work is on getting the market in gear.
2. 啟動新一輪多邊貿易談判
launch a new round of multilateral trade negotiations
3. 啟動農村市場
open up the rural market
4. 啟動內需,作為拉動經濟增長的有效手段
activate domestic market demand as an effective means to stimulate economic growth