極端的英文 極端用英語怎麼說?
extreme adj.極大的;極度的;最外的;最遠的;不尋常的;例外的;極端嚴厲(或嚴重)的;極端的;偏激的
extremity n.末端;端點;盡頭;極度;極點;極端;四肢;手足;極度的逆境;絕境
limit n.界限;限制;極限;速度限制;範圍;最高酒精濃度
utmost adj.極度的;最大的
exceedingly adv.極度地;非常地;在很大程度上
extremely adv.非常;極端地;極其;很
in the extreme 極度, 極端, 非常
常用 權威
1. 極端民主化
2. 極端主義
ultraism; extremism
3. 推向極端
push to the extreme
4. 避免走極端
avoid the extremes;avoid extremes;avoid the extremes
5. 極端分子
6. 極端天氣
extreme weather; extreme weather conditions; weather extremes
7. 極端仇視
show extreme hatred (for)
8. 極端暴力
9. 極端民族主義
10. 持極端見解
hold extreme views
11. 極端保守主義
12. 極端個人主義者
out-and-out egoist
13. 極端政治的策源地
hotbed of extremist politics
1. 然而,許多人傾向於走極端。
However, many people tend to go to extremes.
2. 極端天氣導致歐洲發生野火。
Extreme weather led to wildfires burning in Europe.
3. 它們不受極端溫度的干擾。
They are not bothered by temperature extremes.
4. 極端天氣條件可能會出現。
Extreme weather conditions may arise.
5. 健康的生活方式是一種不走極端的生活方式。
A healthy lifestyle is one that doesn't take extremes (極端) as a way of life.
6. 標準的美國飲食仍然是健康飲食的極端對立面。
The Standard American Diet is still the polar opposite of the healthy.
7. 隨著全球表面溫度的升高,極端天氣發生的可能性也在增加。
As global surface temperatures increase, so does the likelihood of extreme weather.
8. 考慮一個極端的例子,已故哲學家理查德·沃爾海姆(Richard Wollheim)。
Consider an extreme example, the late philosopher Richard Wollheim.
9. 他從來不贊同政治上的極端主義。
He has never associated himself with political extremism.
10. 把女人看作禍水是極端錯誤的。
It is utterly wrong to regard women as the bane of men.
(1) [terminus]∶事物發展所達 頂點。 避免走極端。 (2) [extreme;extraordinary;monstrous;utmost]∶達到極點的。 生活極端貧困。 (3) 事物發展的端點狀態,兩個最高峰,兩個互為對立的方面;如:極端內向(從不主動與人交流,處於最為沉默的情況。) (4) 非常。例如:生活極端貧困。
名詞 extreme; extremity; limit; utmost
1. 他做事喜歡走極端。
He does things in extremes.
2. 愛與恨是感情的兩個極端。
Love and hate are extremes of passion.
3. 從一個極端走向另一個極端
go from one extreme to the other
4. 走極端
take sth to extremes; go the limit; go to extremes
5. 引向極端
carry sth to the full/furthest extreme; carry sth into extremes
6. 推向危險的極端
push sth to a dangerous/perilous extreme
7. 避免走極端
avoid the extremes
8. 被迫走極端
be forced/driven to extremes
副詞 exceedingly; extremely; to the utmost; in the extreme
1. 他對工作極端負責。
He is absolutely responsible for his work. / He has a boundless sense of responsibility in his work.
2. 極端貧困
be in dire/extreme poverty
3. 極端緊迫/困難
be extremely urgent/difficult
4. 極端腐敗
corrupt to the core; be rotten to the core
5. 極端仇視
show extreme hatred (for)