持久的英文 持久用英語怎麼說?
lasting adj.持久的;長久的
enduring adj.持久的;持續的
persistent adj.堅持不懈的;執意的;持續的;持久的;宿存的;不落的;不斷的;連續長時間發生的;作用持久的;揮發慢的
protracted adj.延長的;拖延的
sustained adj.持續的;持久的
常用 權威
1. 持久力
staying power; stamina; endurance
2. 持久戰
protracted/long-running/long-drawn-out war; protracted/prolonged warfare
3. 永續性
persistence; endurance; durability
4. 療效持久
lasting cure
5. 持久的友誼
enduring friendship
6. 持久的興趣
lasting interest
7. 持久的繁榮
sustained prosperity
8. 曠日持久的談判
long-drawn-out negotiations
9. 曠日持久的戰爭
long-drawn-out war
10. 肥效持久的肥料
fertilizer with a lingering effect
11. 曠日持久的調查工作
long-running investigations
1. 從花錢中獲得持久的滿足感。
Obtain lasting satisfaction from money spent.
2. 偉大來自對探索的持久渴望。
Greatness comes from a lasting desire to explore.
3. 你會意識到事物不會帶來持久的幸福。
You will realize that things don't bring lasting happiness.
4. 因為它們持久且對學生友好。
Because they are lasting and student-friendly.
5. 母親對孩子的影響可能比父親更持久。
Mothers' influence on children may last longer than fathers'.
6. 自然災害可以對社群生活產生持久的影響。
Natural disasters can have a long-lasting impact on community life.
7. 青少年的記憶更持久。
Teenagers' memories are more lasting.
8. 在本案中樹立的先例可能會失去持久的效力。
A precedent set in this case might lose its lasting force.
9. 一個經營不善的\文化年\不會給社群帶來持久的好處。
A badly run \year of culture\ leaves no lasting benefits to the community.
10. 現實是,這些東西對我們的幸福水平幾乎沒有持久的影響。
The reality is these things have very little lasting impact on our happiness levels.
持久(英文:lasting),讀音為chí jiǔ,漢語詞語,指持續時間較長。例句為“他持久地站在那兒,什麼話都沒說。” 近義詞為遲久、良久、經久。反義詞為一時、短暫、速決。相關古文有宋代曾鞏《熙寧轉對疏》:“如是而用之以持久,資之以不息,則稍其小者,必至於大。”
形詞 lasting; enduring; persistent; protracted; sustained
1. 我們都希望和平能夠持久。
We all hope that peace is here to stay.
2. 如果受到陽光曝曬,那些顏色就不會持久。
Those colours won't last if exposed to the sun.
3. 作持久打算
plan on a long-term basis; make a long-term plan
4. 維護持久的和平
maintain everlasting/lasting peace
5. 持久的友誼
enduring friendship
6. 持久的興趣
lasting interest
7. 持久地厲行節約
make a sustained effort to practise economy