街的英文 街用英語怎麼說?
street n.街;街道;馬路;車行道;大街;流落街頭;公共場所;華爾街的金融市場;華爾街的金融活動;觀點
常用 權威
1. 半趟街
half way up the street
2. 街拍客
street snap photographer
3. 樣板街
model street; demonstration street
4. 街拍之父
street snap godfather
1. 她以前睡在第五街郵局的人行道上。
She used to sleep on the sidewalk of the Fifth Street Post Office.
2. 他乘中央大街公共汽車,在第五街下車。
He took the Central Avenue bus and got off at Fifth Street.
3. 這條街比那條街寬得多。
This street is much wider than that one.
4. 柵欄至少有九英尺高,幾乎有半個街區長。
The fence is at least nine feet high and runs nearly half the block long.
5. 我拍攝了海伊街的標誌。
I photographed the sign for Hay Street.
6. 幸運的是,我在街對面找到了一個修車攤。
Luckily I found a repairing stand (修車攤) across from the street.
7. 如今,在公園大道和莫特街都能找到針灸師。
Acupuncturists today are as likely to be found on Park Avenue as on Mott Street.
8. 他走到公園大道和第六街拐角處的公共汽車站。
He walked to the bus stop the corner of Park Avenue and Sixth Street.
9. 室內樂團:樂團在榆樹街1406號紀念館演奏。
Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street.
10. 松樹街基金會測試中的狗被訓練在聞到癌症時會坐下。
Dogs in the Pine Street Foundation test were trained to sit when they smelled cancer.
名詞 street
1. 三條街在此交匯。
Three streets converge here.
2. 這房屋朝街。
The house looks to/faces the street.
3. 正面臨街的房屋
house fronting the street
4. 沿街
along the street
5. 唐寧街
Downing Street
6. 華爾街
Wall Street
7. 後/大街
back/main street
8. 臨街
look on the street