滑的英文 滑用英語怎麼說?
slippery adj.滑的;致使打滑的;難以捉摸的;靠不住的;油滑的;不老實的;含糊的
smooth adj.光滑的;平滑的;醇和的;不苦的;均勻的;細膩的;無風浪的;平靜的;平穩的
glossy adj.有光澤的;光滑的;用高質量的有光紙印刷的;時髦動人的;富麗堂皇的
cunning adj.狡猾的;狡詐的;詭詐的;可愛的;好看的;典雅的;巧妙的;靈巧的
crafty adj.狡猾的;詭計多端的;手工制的;使用間接(或欺騙)方法的
oily adj.含油的;油滑的;諂媚的;討好的;被油覆蓋的;被油浸沒的;似油的
slip v.失足;跌跤;滑倒;逃離;脫離;解開;打滑;下跌;洩露;滑行
slide v.滑行;滑動;使滑行;使滑動;平穩(或快速、悄悄)地走;悄悄移動;悄悄地迅速放置;逐漸惡化
glide v.滑動;滑翔;使滑行;使滑動
skid v.側滑;打滑;滑行;用制輪具剎住;滑;滑動;使滑動;使滑行;用滑動墊木移動;下降
常用 權威
1. 滑石棉
1. 她一直試著移動,但每移動一次,她就滑得更厲害一點。
She kept trying to move, and every time she moved, she slipped a little more.
2. 雨後路滑,孩子摔了個四腳朝天。
Because the road was so slippery after the rain, the child fell flat on his back.
3. 路很滑,稍不留神,就會摔倒。
The road is very slippery. Make the slightest stumble and you’ll fall.
4. 他滑了一下,酒灑了一地。
He slipped and the wine spilled all over the floor.
5. 路很滑,仔細點兒。
Watch your step! The road is very slippery.
6. 他順著坡滑了下去。
He slid down the slope.
7. 她把鑰匙從桌面上滑送過來。
She slid the keys over the table.
8. 在冰天雪地中,他們乘雪橇滑下斜坡。
They sledged down the slopes in the frozen snow.
9. 當你轉彎形成水幕時,將滑水橇傾斜。
Slant your skis as you turn to send up a curtain of water.
10. 芭芭拉的腳滑了一下,摔倒在地板上。
Barbara's foot skidded and she fell to the floor.
滑(拼音:huá),漢語漢字,筆畫12畫,左右結構,字義是指光溜,不粗澀;另指在光溜的物體表面上溜動;也指狡詐,不誠實。組詞有滑雪、滑行。 相關古文有“吏謹將之無鈹(pī通披)滑。”出自《荀子·成相》。
形詞 slippery; smooth; glossy
1. 這塊布料摸起來很滑。
This cloth feels smooth.
2. 雨後路滑。
The road becomes slippery after rain.
動詞 slip; slide; glide; skid
1. 在冰上滑行
slide on the ice
2. 滑了一跤
slip and fall
動詞 slip/get away without punishment
1. 人證物證俱在,你別想能滑過去。
Both the witness and evidence are present, so you can't get away with it.
形詞 cunning; crafty; oily; slippery