幾天前的英文 幾天前用英語怎麼說?
the other day 前幾天
other day 幾天前;其他天;其他日子
常用 重點詞彙
1. 幾天前,我坐在沙發上看電視。
A few days ago, I sat in the sofa watching TV.
2. 幾天前,我在雲中舒適地飛行,欣賞著天空的景色。
A few days ago, I was flying comfortably in a cloud, enjoying the view from the sky.
3. 蒂娜感到驚訝的是,老闆不是幾天
Tina was surprised that the boss was not the old man who interviewed her several days ago.
4. 幾天前她發即時資訊告訴我說她正在看男友。
She IMd me the other day saying she was visiting her boyfriend.
5. 幾天前我過生日,現在我十四歲了。
Several days ago I had my birthday and I am now fourteen.
6. 幾天前,一個商販來到軍營附近。
A few days ago a pedler came to the camp.
7. 他同意,我們幾天前進行了談話。
He agreed and we had a talk a few days ago.
8. 幾天前他在一場滑雪事故中喪生。
He was killed a few days ago in a skiing accident.
9. 我丟失了一個世界 — 幾天前!
I lost a World - the other day!
10. 幾天前,他剛從土牢裡被放出來.
He was just set free from a dungeon a few days ago.
the other day; other day