救援的英文 救援用英語怎麼說?
rescue v.營救;救援;挽救;挽回;防止…丟失;取回;收回
常用 權威
1. 救援隊
rescue party; rescue force; rescue team
2. 發兵救援
send troops to the rescue
3. 緊急救援
emergency relief
4. 救援小組
rescue team
5. 救援物資
relief material
6. 要求救援
demand a rescue
7. 山區救援隊
mountain rescue team
8. 救援犬
rescue dog
9. 救援行動
rescue operation
10. 救援傷者
provide succour to the injured
11. 救援人員
rescuer; rescue/relief worker; rescue crew; relief personnel
12. 參加救援工作
join the relief efforts
13. 最佳救援時間
optimum time for rescue
14. 救援迷途遊客
rescue a lost traveller
1. 消防員知道如何安全地進行救援。
Firemen know how to perform rescues safely.
2. 她撥打了911,救援及時趕到。
She called 911 and help arrived just in time.
3. 緊急救援人員在燒焦的廢墟中搜尋。
The emergency services picked through the burnt debris.
4. 一名救援人員被困在地下室。
A rescue worker got trapped in the basement.
5. 我接到了馬特頓鎮一個女人的救援電話。
I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown.
6. 演習包括溝通、疏散、搜尋和救援等情況。
Rehearsals involve communication, evacuation, search and rescue, and other scenarios.
7. 地震救援機器人在北京經歷了最後的測試。
Earthquake rescue (救援) robots experienced their final tests in Beijing.
8. 一架小型飛機安全抵達智利。此前,這架飛機為執行一項大膽的救援任務而離開南極洲。
A small plane arrived safely in Chile after leaving Antarctica in a daring rescue mission.
9. 市長親臨抗洪前線,指揮救援工作。
The mayor personally directed the rescue work at the flood-fighting scene.
10. 救援物資已傘投到震區。
Relief supplies have been parachuted into the earthquake zone.
救援(英文:rescue),讀音為jiù yuán,漢語詞語,指救助,援助。例句為“為了救援災區的孩子,他把儲積的餘糧全都賣了。” 近義詞為支援、拯救、佈施。反義詞為戕(qiāng)害、傷害、危害。相關古文有《三國志·魏志·陳矯傳》:“鄙郡鞋小,形便之酗也,若蒙救援,使為外藩,則呈人到謀,徐方永安。”
動詞 rescue; come to sb's rescue
1. 緊急救援
emergency relief
2. 救援行動
rescue operation
3. 救援車/船/列車
rescue vehicle/ship/train
4. 妨礙救援
hamper/hinder/impede a rescue
5. 要求救援
demand a rescue
6. 參加救援工作
join the relief efforts
7. 救援傷者
provide succour to the injured
8. 救援迷途遊客
rescue a lost traveller