處處的英文 處處用英語怎麼說?
everywhere adv.在所有地方;到處;隨處;各處;在許多地方
常用 權威
1. 處處設防
set up defences everywhere
2. 處處相隨
accompany sb everywhere
1. 他大公無私,處處捨己為人。
He was selfless and always sacrificed his own interests for the sake of others.
2. 她的散文處處顯示出一種明晰的風格。
Her prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style.
3. 他怕落不是,處處謹小慎微。
He conducted with utmost care only not to be blameworthy.
4. 她的前夫處處為難她。
Her ex-husband made things as awkward for her as he could.
5. 教師處處關心學生。
The teacher shows every consideration for her students.
6. 他處處和我作對。
He crosses me in everything.
7. 處處留心皆學問。
Knowledge is meant for the observant.
8. 他處處受到歡呼人群的迎接。
He was greeted everywhere with roaring crowds.
9. 處處可以感受到傳統與發展並存。
Tradition and progress can be felt everywhere.
10. 在這20年當中,李處處容忍她。
During the 20 years Lee put up with her.
處處(英文:everywhere),讀音為chù chù,漢語詞語,指各處;每個方面。例句為“在公園裡,處處可看到春意盎然的景色。” 近義詞為到處、無處、四處。反義詞為僅僅。相關句子有郁達夫《過去》:“老二的活潑,在她的行動、言語、嬉笑上,處處都在表現。”
名詞 every place; everywhere
1. 她的散文處處顯示出一種明晰的風格。
Her prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style.
2. 教師處處關心學生。
The teacher shows every consideration for her students.
3. 處處嚴格要求自己
make strict demands on oneself in all respects
4. 處處設防
set up defences everywhere
5. 處處碰壁
hit/bump/run up against the wall everywhere; run into obstacles everywhere