不允許的英文 不允許用英語怎麼說?
not allow 不允許;不容;不準
inadmissibility n.難承認的事;不能許可的事
常用 重點詞彙
1. 不允許女性乘坐法國海軍艦艇。
Women weren't allowed to travel on French navy ships.
2. 他們不允許香菸、酒或藥物的任何廣告。
They didn't allow any ads for cigarettes, liquor or drugs.
3. 不允許他們接受教育。
They were not allowed to get an education.
4. 有些網站不允許特定年齡以下的孩子訪問它們。
Some websites don't allow kids under a certain age to visit them.
5. 2030年之後不允許對任何汽油動力車輛進行登記。
They will not allow any gasoline powered vehicle to be registered after 2030.
6. 在你透過駕駛考試之前,不允許在無人監督的情況下駕駛汽車。
You are not allowed to drive a car unsupervised until you have passed a driving test.
7. 形勢不允許我們迴避這個問題。
The circumstances admit of no evasion of the issue.
8. 為謀取暫時的利益而犧牲原則是不允許的。
It is not allowed to seek temporary gain at the expense of principle.
9. 卡車是不允許拉客的。
Lorries are not permitted/licenced to take on passengers.
10. 在電視上搞政治宣傳是不允許的。
Political advertising on television is not allowed.
not allow; inadmissibility; have none of