無望的英文 無望用英語怎麼說?
have no hope (of); be beyond hope; be hopeless
常用 權威
1. 生還無望
with no hope of survival
2. 無望地凝望著太空
stare hopelessly into space
1. 我很現實,知道自己獲勝無望。
I’m a realist. I know there is no way I could win.
2. 醫生說無望了,他只能再活幾個星期。
The doctor has said there’s no hope. He has only a few weeks to live.
3. 這種病治癒無望。
This disease is beyond cure.
4. 貶損自己國家專事宣揚悲觀無望者。
Doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country.
5. 警察針對犯罪增加所採取的行動無望取勝。
The police force is fighting a losing battle against a rising tide of crime.
6. 在這片無望的土地上,人煙絕跡。
There are no inhabitants of this land of despair.
7. 他做了最後一次幾乎無望的努力。
He made his final forlorn attempt.
8. 有的人甚至感到無望或者極度沮喪。
Some may even feel hopeless or terribly depressed.
9. 我真希望雨停下來,讓我無望地哭泣
=I wish that the rain would stop and let me cry in wain…
10. 將會在你無望的時候帶給你慰籍
Will comfort you when there's no hope in sight
拼音:wúwàng 基本解釋: 1. [hopeless]∶希望已破滅 可憐辜負好韶光,於國家無望。——《紅樓夢》 無望的結果 2. [without prestige]∶沒有聲望 3. [borderless]∶沒有邊際 詳細解釋:
動詞 have no hope (of); be beyond hope; be hopeless
1. 醫生說無望了,他只能再活幾個星期。
The doctor has said there's no hope. He has only a few weeks to live.
2. 這種病治癒無望。
This disease is beyond cure.
3. 成功無望。
There is no chance of success.
4. 無望地凝望著太空
stare hopelessly into space
5. 無望康復
be beyond/no hope of recovery