打扮的英文 打扮用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-05



pose as 冒充

常用 權威



1. 打扮完畢

complete one's make-up

2. 農民打扮

be dressed like a peasant

3. 喬裝打扮

disguise oneself; masquerade; dress up

4. 梳妝打扮

deck oneself out; be dressed up; get dressed and made up; dress smartly

5. 一身牛仔打扮

be dressed in cowboy attire

6. 打扮得洋裡洋氣

be exotically dressed

7. 打扮得真俏

be smartly dressed

8. 打扮得扎眼

be loudly dressed

9. 打扮得很搶眼

be loudly dressed

10. 打扮得刺眼

be loudly dressed

11. 打扮成愛國人士

package oneself as a patriot

12. 打扮得花團錦簇

be splendidly dressed

13. 打扮成知識分子模樣

garb oneself as an intellectual

14. 三分人才,七分打扮

three-tenths natural figure and seven-tenths clothing and makeup; 30% natural beauty and 70% clothing and makeup—clothing and makeup are of great importance to one's appearance


1. 她在醫院裡穿著打扮得像個病人。

She dressed up like a patient at the hospital.

2. 我爸爸想打扮成超人。

My father wants to dress up as Superman.

3. 在《盛裝打扮》的結尾,克萊恩介紹了她的理想。

Towards the end of Overdressed, Cline introduced her ideal.

4. 為了調查這件事,王喬裝打扮,加入了乞丐的行列。

To look into the case, Wang disguised (偽裝) himself and joined the beggars.

5. 為了贏得站長的信任,他把自己打扮成一個富有的紳士。

He dressed himself as a wealthy gentleman to win the station master's trust.

6. 現在的姑娘都想打扮得漂亮點兒。

All the girls now want to dress up beautifully.

7. 她總是把孩子們打扮得漂漂亮亮。

She always turns her children out well.

8. 她打扮得漂漂亮亮去參加舞會。

She prettied/dressed herself up for the dance. / She poshed herself up for the dance.

9. 節日的首都打扮得格外壯觀。

The capital was magnificently decked out for the holiday.

10. 看他的打扮,像是城裡來的。

Judging from his attire, I’d say that he must be from the city.






動詞 make/dress/trick up; deck/trick out

1. 這姑娘打扮得花枝招展。

The girl arrayed herself in her finest clothes. / The girl was arrayed in all her finery.

2. 現在的姑娘都想打扮得漂亮點兒。

All the girls now want to dress up beautifully.

3. 她總是把孩子們打扮得漂漂亮亮。

She always turns her children out well.

4. 節日的首都打扮得格外壯觀。

The capital was magnificently decked out for the holiday.

5. 把城市打扮起來

dress/spruce up a city

動詞 make/dress oneself up as; pose as; be dressed as

1. 打扮得像個士兵

be dressed as a soldier; dress like a soldier

2. 打扮成人權衛士

pose as a defender of human rights

3. 打扮成知識分子模樣

garb oneself as an intellectual

4. 打扮成愛國人士

package oneself as a patriot

名詞 style/way of dressing

1. 看他的打扮,像是城裡來的。

Judging from his attire, I'd say that he must be from the city.

2. 一身牛仔打扮

be dressed in cowboy attire

3. 農民打扮

be dressed like a peasant

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