人才的英文 人才用英語怎麼說?
talent n.天賦;塔蘭特;有天賦的人;性感的人;可能成為性夥伴的人
常用 權威
1. 人才庫
talent pool; talent bank
2. 識別人才
identify talented people
3. 選用人才
recruit talents through selection
4. 科技人才
qualified scientists and technicians
5. 利用人才
employ talented people
6. 開發人才
tap intellectual resources
7. 羅致人才
scout round for talents; recruit talented people; enlist the services of able people; gather men of talents
8. 人才安全
talent security
9. 人才高地
talent highland
10. 人才開發
development of talents; talent tapping
11. 高素質人才
talents of high quality
12. 栽培人才
cultivate people of talent
13. 人才流入
brain gain;brain gain
14. 人才出眾
person of exceptional ability;person of remarkable appearance and distinguished ability
15. 上等人才
people of top-notch quality
16. 人才薈萃
galaxy of talents;galaxy of people with special talents
17. 選拔人才
select talented people
18. 專門人才
persons with special expertise
19. 人才流動
flow of trained personnel; mobility of talents
20. 挑選出人才
pick out the talents
1. 他們通常被認為是最珍貴的人才。
They are often regarded as most treasured talents.
2. 這樣的人才再多一個的價值很高。
The value of one more of those people is very high.
3. 只有中國大陸的人才說這種語言。
It is spoken only by people in Mainland China.
4. 他們缺乏解決不斷惡化問題的人才。
They lack talent to fix their deepening problems.
5. 他們不公平地對待新技術人才。
They treat new tech talent unfairly.
6. 我們致力於培養新的音樂人才。
We are committed to fostering new music talent.
7. 只有知道關鍵字的人才能閱讀郵件。
Only people who know the keyword can read the message.
8. 現在,中等技能水平的人才出現短缺。
Now shortages are appearing at the mid-skill levels.
9. 精英數學競賽努力使他們的人才庫多樣化。
Elite math competitions struggle to diversify their talent pool.
10. 在國外市場預售電影的方式取決於相關人才。
The way you pre-sell a movie in a foreign market is based on relevant talent.
人才,是指具有一定的專業知識或專門技能,進行創造性勞動,並對社會做出貢獻的人,是人力資源中能力和素質較高的勞動者。 人才一詞出於古老的《易經》“三才之道”,即孔子及孔門弟子的《易傳》講:“《易》之為書也,廣大悉備。有天道焉,有人道焉,有地道焉。兼三才而兩之,故六。六者非它也,三才之道也。”
名詞 person of/with ability; talent; talented person; skilled personnel; gifted/trained people
1. 年輕一代中大有人才。
There are many talents among the younger generation.
2. 沒有人才不行,沒有知識不行。
We cannot succeed without skilled personnel and knowledge.
3. 填補人才缺口
fill the talent void
4. 專門人才
persons with special expertise
5. 科研人才
scientific research personnel
6. 科技人才
qualified scientists and technicians
7. 計算機人才
computer talents
8. 管理人才
management/managerial personnel
9. 高素質人才
talents of high quality
10. 高階人才
high-level talents; top-grade talents
11. 人才培養
personnel training
12. 人才浪費
waste of talents
13. 人才競爭
scramble for talents
14. 人才管理
personnel/human resources management
15. 人才缺乏
be deficient in talents
16. 引進人才
import/introduce talents
17. 壓制人才
stifle/suppress talents
18. 吸引人才
attract/lure talented people; attract brains/talents
19. 物色人才
look out/hunt for talented people
20. 培養/使用人才
train/employ talented people
21. 利用人才
employ talented people
22. 開發人才
tap intellectual resources
23. 發現/招募人才
discover/recruit people with talent
名詞 attractive/distinguished appearance
1. 她頗有幾分人才。
She's quite a beauty.