守株待兔的英文 守株待兔用英語怎麼說?
stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare to come and dash itself against it―wait foolishly for a most unlikely windfall; trust foolishly to chance and luck; wait for gain without pain; await a windfall
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 那個失業者守株待兔
The jobless man did nothing but wait for his chance.
2. 沒有人能靠守株待兔取得成功.
Nobody succeeds by sitting around waiting for things to happen.
3. 守株待兔, 正是我們贏利的方法.
A passive attitude, it is our way to profitability.
4. 第二個故事是《守株待兔》.
The second story is a Hare.
5. 我們攝製組就在那守株待兔.
We are on the crew that a passive attitude.
6. 我們只要守株待兔,等著他來複仇好了。
Sylar: We're just gonna wait for him to come after us.
7. 意義:守株待兔:本義是守著樹樁等著兔子往上撞.
Its original meaning is a tree stump waiting for a rabbit to dash itself against it.
8. Nod 不應該是那種坐等科技守株待兔型別的軍隊。
NOD is not the army that should wait for tech up and sit around waiting to be attacked.
9. 愛情常常不屬於那些窮追不捨的獵人,而屬於那些守株待兔的人。
Love doesn't belong to those hunters who follow up very closely, but belongs to those who wait for windfalls.
10. 這種守株待兔的生活只會持續約三個月,此後,小狐狸必須自己覓食。
After about three months, though, the gravy train stops and the young foxes must find their own meals.
守株待兔,讀音是shǒu zhū dài tù,漢語詞語。株:露出地面的樹根,比喻不經過努力而得到成功的僥倖心理,也比喻死守狹隘經驗,不知變通。例如:做有些事不能只知道守株待兔,要主動抓住時機! 該成語出自《韓非子·五蠹》“戰國時宋國有一個農民,看見一隻兔子撞在樹根上死了,便放下鋤頭在樹根旁等待,希望再得到撞死的兔子。” 守株待兔的近義詞有坐享其成,反義詞有隨機應變。
null詞 stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare to come and dash itself against it―wait foolishly for a most unlikely windfall; trust foolishly to chance and luck; wait for gain without pain; await a windfall
stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare to come and dash itself against it―wait foolishly for a most unlikely windfall; trust foolishly to chance and luck; wait for gain without pain; await a windfall