聰明能幹的英文 聰明能幹用英語怎麼說?
be bright and capable
常用 重點詞彙
1. 人造物和我們一樣聰明能幹,但卻沒有道德指南針。
Man-made creations are as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass.
2. 他是個聰明能幹的男孩。
He was a sensible and capable boy.
3. 他很聰明能幹,精通本行.
He was very smart and knew his business.
4. 他自小就聰明能幹.
From an early age he has been clever and capable.
5. 心胸豁達,有自信心,性格開朗,聰明能幹,熱情待人。
Simple guy, Open minded, Confidence, Cheerful, Smart and Warm Hearted individual.
6. 妻子常常認為她們的丈夫無比聰明能幹.
Some wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and can fix anything.
7. 聰明能幹,不被金錢,名譽和權利所拘束,待人溫柔體貼的人。
He is very calm and composed in and out, warm-hearted who has enough to spare of money, honor and power.
8. 倒不是因為他有某種特別的機構或某種特殊的力量——僅僅是因為他最聰明能幹。
This wasn't because he held any special office or had any particular power – he was simply the wisest and the most intelligent.
9. 在你僱傭人之前, 你需要確認他的三項素質: 正直誠實, 聰明能幹, 精力充沛.
In looking for someone to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy.
10. 作為一名女性作家,她的絕大數作品探討聰明能幹,受過高等教育的知識女性們在追求夢想的道路中,所經歷的矛盾與彷徨。
Almost all of her novels probe into the predicament and loss of self-identity capable and well-educated female intellectuals have been confronted with in their pursuit of self-fulfillments.
聰明能幹(cong ming neng gan)\n解釋:天資高,記憶和理解能力強而又有能力,會做事。\n出處:清·曹雪芹《紅樓夢》第82回:“聖人說,人生少時,心思才力,樣樣聰明能幹,實在是可怕的。”\n示例:她是一個聰明能幹的女孩。\n近義詞:精明能幹\n反義詞:笨頭笨腦\n用法:作謂語、定語;用於誇獎人。
be bright and capable