暢銷的英文 暢銷用英語怎麼說?
sell like hot cakes 銷路很好;賣得快又多
常用 權威
1. 暢銷貨
best-selling/fast-selling/marketable goods; articles in great demand; salable articles; fast-selling/best-selling line (in sth)
2. 暢銷書
best seller; best-selling book; book on the best-seller list
3. 暢銷小說
best-selling novel
4. 暢銷單曲
hit single
5. 眼下最暢銷的書
book of the moment
1. 事實證明,《經濟學人》紙質版最暢銷。
The Economist's print edition turns out to sell the best.
2. 如今,她是一本暢銷書的作者,也是一位著名的藝術家。
Today, she is an author of a best-seller and also a famous artist.
3. 她在1962年出版的暢銷書《寂靜的春天》,提高了人們對汙染的有害影響的認識。
Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution.
4. 想不到他一年寫了兩本暢銷書。
It was unexpected that he wrote two bestselling novels within a year.
5. 這裡出產的絲綢暢銷世界各地。
The silk manufactured here sells well all over the world.
6. 這本暢銷書成為人們茶餘飯後的話題。
This best-seller has become a hot topic at leisure.
7. 這本書也曾暢銷過。
The book has had its moment.
8. 他們用獨特的風格奪下了暢銷唱片榜。
They took the charts by storm with their inimitable style.
9. 一本引人入勝的暢銷書。
[as adj. enthrallling]an enthrallling best-seller.
10. 他的暢銷長篇小說。
His blockbusting novel.
1、[sell briskly and easily; have a ready market] 貨物銷售快, 成套秋裝很暢銷。 2、殷謙:“所以在中國,就出現了這樣的現象,有些有名的作家並不優秀,有些優秀的作家並不出名;同樣,有些暢銷的作品不優秀,也有些優秀的作品不暢銷。文學是否會因此而成為市場的奴隸,是否會導致 文學評價上的混淆黑白或魚龍混雜,對此,我們要抱以冷靜思考和警惕的態度。” (摘自 殷謙《真正的作家不能把文學變成性奴》)
動詞 sell well/readily/briskly; command/have a ready sale; sell like hot cakes; sell like wild fire; have a ready market; be in great demand
1. 這本書也曾暢銷過。
The book has had its moment.
2. 貨好暢銷。
Good products make quick markets. / Good products sell themselves.
3. 在市場上暢銷
command/have/meet a ready sale in the market
4. 暢銷小說
best-selling novel
5. 暢銷單曲
hit single
6. 暢銷全國/全球
sell well all over the country/world
7. 暢銷國內外市場
sell well on home and foreign markets