號召的英文 號召用英語怎麼說?
call v.呼喊;喊;叫;給(嬰兒;動物)取名;短暫拜訪;打電話給;叫做;名為;敦促;大聲說
appeal v.呼籲;籲請;懇請;懇求;上訴;要求上級法院重新審理;有吸引力的;有趣的;敦促;向…呼籲
summon v.傳召;鼓起;露出;迫切地要求;召集;使浮現;使想起
常用 權威
1. 號召書
2. 號召罷工
call for a strike
3. 發出號召
issue a call (for)
1. 他們盡全力號召大家為武漢募捐。
They tried their best to call on everyone to raise money for Wuhan.
2. 市政府號召市民節約用水。
The municipal government appeals to the citizens to conserve water.
3. 馬丁·路德·金號召人民進行非暴力鬥爭。
Martin Luther King called on his people to wage a nonviolent struggle.
4. 他對青年發出了入黨的熱烈號召
He issued a clarion call to young people to join the Party.
5. 他號召全黨團結起來
[no obj.]he called on the party to unite
6. 在演講結尾,他號召敏捷推動者們
He ended his talk with a call to action by Agile advocates
7. 這項運動是在黨的號召下進行的.
The movement came into being at the call of the Party.
8. 校長號召學生們更努力地學習?。
Thee headmaster called on the students to work harder.
9. 黨號召我們努力工作,努力學習.
The Party calls on us to work hard and study hard.
10. 號召全世界的勞動人民團結起來.
The laboring people of the world are called on to unite.
號召(英文:call),讀音為hào zhào,漢語詞語,指的是召喚(群眾共同行動)、也指招聚。例句有“大學畢業生積極響應國家的號召,到西部去建功立業”。 相關近義詞有呼籲、招呼、號令,反義詞有制止、動員。
名詞 call; appeal
1. 積極響應國家的號召
actively respond to the call of one's country; answer the call of the country in an active way
動詞 call; appeal; summon
1. 市政府號召市民節約用水。
The municipal government appeals to the citizens to conserve water.
2. 馬丁·路德·金號召人民進行非暴力鬥爭。
Martin Luther King called on his people to wage a nonviolent struggle.
3. 號召戰士保衛祖國
summon soldiers to the defence of their country; summon soldiers to defend the country