掃的英文 掃用英語怎麼說?
sweep v.掃;拂;掠過;清除;掃去;掃視;掃射;搜尋;猛力推;(迅猛地)推送;吹走;沖走;帶走;向上(或向後)梳頭髮
eliminate v.消除;根除;排除;排洩;對…不予考慮;把…排除在外;殺死;除掉;淘汰;消去
get rid of 擺脫, 丟棄
clear away 收拾餐桌
all predet., det. & pron.所有;全部;任何;儘可能;只;唯一;一切
total adj.總的;全部的;所有的;完全的;絕對的
常用 權威
1. 把地板掃乾淨
sweep the floor clean
1. 他們的手掃和他們的銀行卡相連,所以他們可以成功支付。
Their hand scan is connected to their bank cards, so they can pay successfully.
2. 他掃去院子裡的所有樹葉。
He swept all the dead leaves off the yard.
3. 地也掃了,玻璃也擦了。
The ground has been swept, the windows have also been cleaned.
4. 他們把碎片掃在一起,藏了起來。
They swept up the pieces and hid them away.
5. 他掃了一眼她苗條的身材。
His eyes scanned her slender form.
6. 他冰冷的眼神無情地掃過莉薩的纖弱身影。
His icy gaze raked mercilessly over Lissa's slender figure.
7. 她掃了一眼筆記,接下來連臺詞都讀不順當了。
She glanced at her notes and flubbed her lines.
8. 我不想掃你的興。
I wouldn't want to spoil your fun.
9. 這隻貓需要洗澡。 地板需要掃。
The cat needs washing. The floor needs sweeping.
10. 我還用拖把輕柔地給他掃背了呢。
And, and I gently exfoliated him with, with a mop.
掃,讀音為sǎo或sào,多音字,左右結構,六畫。讀sǎo的含義有用掃帚除去塵土、垃圾等,引申為清除、消滅;盡其所有;迅速橫掠而過。讀sào時用於“掃帚”。蘇道切,除也。《禮記》曰:汛掃曰掃。作掃同。組詞有打掃,掃平,掃帚。 掃筆順為一 亅 ㇀ 一 一 。掃帚意為除去塵土、垃圾等的用具。掃地意為打掃地面。比喻除盡;丟光。
動詞 sweep
1. 他掃去院子裡的所有樹葉。
He swept all the dead leaves off the yard.
2. 地掃過了嗎?
Have you swept the floor?
3. 把門前的雪掃一掃
sweep away the snow in front of the house
4. 把地板掃乾淨
sweep the floor clean
5. 把塵土掃進簸箕
sweep the dirt into a dustpan
6. 掃去垃圾
sweep away the rubbish
7. 掃地板/煙囪/院子
sweep the floor/chimney/yard
動詞 eliminate; get rid of; clear away
1. 秋風掃落葉
autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves
形詞 all; total
動詞 move quickly right and left
null詞 [only used in words like‘掃帚’and‘掃把’]