過分的英文 過分用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-05



excessive adj.過多的;過分的

undue adj.不適當的;過分的

over prep.直接向上延伸的;在…的上方;在…的上空;透過;過;高於;在…之上;超過;關於;在…方面

too much 太多

常用 權威



1. 過分親熱

be lavish with endearments

2. 過分老實

be honest to a fault

3. 過分自信

be overconfident; be overly confident

4. 過分吹捧

praise with extravagance

5. 過分挑剔

be fastidiously particular

6. 過分吹噓

boast too much

7. 過分謙虛

carry modesty to excess

8. 過分寬容

be too tolerant

9. 過分使用暴力

excessive use of violence

10. 過分指責別人的錯誤

be too critical of others'mistakes

11. 對漂亮女孩過分熱情

go overboard for pretty girls


1. 不要過分專注於達成共識。

Don't be overly focused on gaining consensus.

2. 過分強調他們的觀點會毀掉一套完美的購房計劃。

And placing too much emphasis on their opinions can ruin a fantastic home purchase.

3. 你只是個普通人,有時候你的孩子會把你逼得有點過分

You're only human, and sometimes your kids can push you just a little too far.

4. 由於過分緊張,他腦子裡一片空白。

Under enormous stress, his mind went blank. / Too intense to think properly, he could produce nothing significant out of his mind.

5. 說他是天才未免有些過分

To call him a genius is laying it on a bit too thick.

6. 為了這點兒小事就處罰學生,有些過分了。

It is a bit strong to punish the students for such a small thing.

7. 看開些,不要過分悲傷。

Take it easy and don’t be too sad.

8. 一天去三次也太過分了。

Going there three times a day would be overkill.

9. 文章中不應過分引用。

Quotations in an essay should not be overdone.

10. 孩子不宜過分誇獎。

It’s inadvisable to over-praise a child.








形詞 excessive; undue; over; going too far; too much

1. 這項工作無論怎麼認真都不過分。

Too much care cannot be exercised in this work.

2. 一天去三次也太過分了。

Going there three times a day would be overkill.

3. 文章中不應過分引用。

Quotations in an essay should not be overdone.

4. 為了這點兒小事就處罰學生,有些過分了。

It is a bit strong to punish the students for such a small thing.

5. 說他是天才未免有些過分。

To call him a genius is laying it on a bit too thick.

6. 你也太過分了!

You have gone too far.

7. 做得太過分

go overboard; go too far; go to extreme

8. 玩笑開得太過分

carry/push a joke too far

9. 對自己的健康過分擔憂

fuss too much about one's health

10. 對漂亮女孩過分熱情

go overboard for pretty girls

11. 不要過分麻煩人家

try not to give them too much trouble

12. 過分自信

be overconfident; be overly confident

13. 過分注意自己的長相/體重

be particular about one's appearance/weight; be too fussy about one's appearance/weight; fuss with one's appearance/weight

14. 過分指責別人的錯誤

be too critical of others'mistakes

15. 過分謙虛

carry modesty to excess

16. 過分敏感

be oversensitive/hypersensitive

17. 過分老實

be honest to a fault

18. 過分寬容

be too tolerant

19. 過分講究吃穿

be particular about what one eats and wears; be too fussy about one's clothes and food

20. 過分吹捧

praise with extravagance

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