辦法的英文 辦法用英語怎麼說?
way n.方法;方式;路;道路;街道;巷;地區;地點;方面;條件;狀況;船臺;滑道
means cn.手段;方法
measure v.量;測量;度量;斟酌;權衡;走過;衡量;評估;比較;達到
method n.方法;辦法;條理;系統計劃
approach v.接近;靠近;找…商談;找… 商量;向…接洽;著手處理;臨近(未來時刻;未來事件);臨近;數量(或質量)上接近(某一數字;某種水平
solution n.解決方法;解決方案;溶液;溶體;分離;分散;消散;解除;解體;解散
1. 另想辦法
find some other ways
2. 簡易辦法
simple and easy method
3. 一系列辦法
a whole variety of ways
4. 取樣辦法
sampling method
5. 想辦法
think of a way
6. 想盡辦法
leave no stone unturned
7. 謀求解決辦法
try to find a solution
8. 抽樣辦法
sampling method
9. 會商解決辦法
consult to find a solution
10. 有效補救辦法
effective remedy
11. 想出一個折中辦法
effect a compromise
12. 擬訂實施辦法
work out implementation measures
13. 出氣的辦法
outlet for one's grievances
14. 最好的辦法
the best way
15. 切實有效的辦法
effective measures
16. 屢試不爽的辦法
time-tested method
17. 用盡一切補救辦法
exhaust all remedies
18. 劫富濟貧的辦法
Robin-Hoodish solution
19. 消除歧視的最好辦法
best cure for discrimination
20. 處理該問題愚蠢的辦法
simple-minded approach to the problem
1. 他們有辦法干預人們的衰老過程。
They have ways to intervene in people's aging process.
2. 就在那時,曹衝提出了一個好辦法。
Just then, Cao Chong came up with a great idea.
3. 朝這些岔路口走,然後想辦法出去。
Head toward these breaks to find a way out.
4. 我確信你不是故意的,這也沒辦法。
I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose and it can't be helped.
5. 他們又在爭論解決網路問題的辦法。
They are arguing about the solution to the network problems again.
6. 他們想盡一切辦法逃出籠子。
They tried everything possible to escape from the cage.
7. 這個問題沒有\一刀切\的解決辦法。
There is no \one size fits all\ solution to this problem.
8. 我們必須想辦法保護環境。
We must find ways to protect our environment.
9. 想辦法維持他們的動力。
Seek ways to sustain their motivation.
10. 但首先我必須想辦法考驗這位英明的國王。
But first I must think of a way to test this wise king.
名詞 way; means; measure; method; approach; solution
1. 我們可以採取什麼辦法?
What courses/options are open to us?
2. 這不是解決問題的辦法。
This is no solution to the problem.
3. 新問題就得用新辦法來解決。
New problems call for new solutions.
4. 他辦法多。
He is full of devices/expedients. / He is a resourceful guy.
5. 消除歧視的最好辦法
best cure for discrimination
6. 切實有效的辦法
effective measures
7. 老/新辦法
old/new solutions
8. 盡一切辦法留住人才
try every means to retain the talented
9. 用盡一切辦法
leave no stone unturned; put/lay all one's irons in the fire; by all means; go to any/all lengths; employ every means
10. 找出解決辦法
work/hammer out a solution
11. 想出辦法
figure out a way; work out a solution