芳香的英文 芳香用英語怎麼說?
scent n.氣味;香味;香水;線索;遺臭;臭跡;痕跡;嗅覺
perfume n.香水;香氣;芳香
aroma n.芳香;香味;香氣;氣氛
常用 權威
1. 芳香劑
aromatic (drug)
2. 芳香油
perfume oil
3. 芳香撲鼻
the fragrance assails one's nostrils
4. 芳香族化合物
aromatic compound
5. 芳香四溢
sweet fragrance diffusing all around
6. 芳香醇
aromatic alcohol
7. 芳香胺
aromatic amine
8. 芳香植物
aromatic plant
9. 芳香療法
10. 熱咖啡的芳香
aroma of hot coffee
11. 芳香馥郁的玫瑰
sweet-scented roses
1. 雨後的空氣有股泥土的芳香。
You can smell an aroma of earth in the air after the rain.
2. 花朵散發著馥郁的芳香。
The flower sent forth strong fragrance.
3. 春天使樹林瀰漫著芳香。
Spring embalms the woods.
4. 玫瑰發出撲鼻的芳香。
The roses are sending forth wafts of sweet fragrance.
5. 花園裡氣味芳香。
The air in the garden is fragrant.
6. 夜間開花的芳香植物,如花菸草。
Fragrant night-bloomers such as nicotiana.
7. 松樹散發的令人想到野外的芳香。
The outdoorsy fragrance of pines.
8. 芳香濃郁(或酒體豐滿)的白葡萄酒。
A spicy, fullbodied white wine.
9. 並不是所有精油都適合芳香療法.
Not all essential oils are suitable for use in aromatherapy.
10. 用來製作香水和薰香的芳香樹脂.
Any of several other fragrant plant resins, such as Canada balsam.
拼音 fāng xiāng 基本解釋 造句 花草等的香氣 造句: 從牛軛湖吹來的和風帶來了花園的芳香。
釋名 白芷。 氣味 (根)辛、溫、無毒。
名詞 (esp of flowers and plants) (sweet) fragrance; scent; perfume; aroma
1. 花園裡氣味芳香。
The air in the garden is fragrant.
2. 花朵散發出芳香。
Flowers send forth fragrance.
3. 熱咖啡的芳香
aroma of hot coffee
4. 花的芳香
fragrance/scent of flowers
5. 芳香馥郁的玫瑰
sweet-scented roses
6. 芳香植物
aromatic plant
7. 芳香四溢
sweet fragrance diffusing all around
8. 芳香撲鼻
the fragrance assails one's nostrils