使得的英文 使得用英語怎麼說?
will do 可以, 湊合;將做
make v.做;製作;製造;建造;創造;使存在;使形成;帶來;迫使做;組成;合計;共計;掙得;賺得;趕上;及時到達;朝…走去;求歡;誘姦;贏;漲;退
cause n.起因;原因;原則;事業;訴訟事由;正當理由;值得支援的事;個人訴訟案件
render v.給予;提供;使成為;使得;以藝術形式表述;秘密引渡;使接受非常規引渡;熬;給(石頭;磚)抹灰打底;翻譯
常用 權威
1. 使得家喻戶曉
make known to everyone
1. 這使得比爾能夠更快地做出反應。
It allows Bill to respond more quickly.
2. 行業遊說使得很難獲得健康食品。
D)Industry lobbying makes it hard to get healthy foods.
3. 這使得費用高昂,而創新緩慢。
This keeps fees high and innovation slow.
4. 這使得他們的表達更加明確。
It makes their expressions more explicit.
5. 新的數字技術使得股票交易更加快速。
New digital technologies have allowed more rapid trading of equities.
6. 該地區的持續戰鬥使得調查變得困難。
Continuous fighting in the region has made surveys difficult.
7. 這使得邊際管理者更難獲得就業機會。
This makes it harder for the marginal manager to gain employment.
8. 這使得科學家能夠研究蝙蝠。
This makes scientists able to study bats.
9. 這使得他們的互動更加膚淺。
It has rendered their interactions more superficial.
10. 這使得昆蟲成為未來另一種可能的食物。
This makes insects another possible food of the future.
動詞 can be used; be usable
1. 這臺電腦使得使不得?
Does this computer work all right?
動詞 be workable; be feasible; will do
1. 我擬的計劃使得嗎?
Is my plan workable?
2. 你不去如何使得?
It won't do if you don't go.
動詞 make; cause; render
1. 使得家喻戶曉
make known to everyone