馴服的英文 馴服用英語怎麼說?
docile adj.馴服的;順從的
tame adj.不怕人的;對人不危險的;馴服的;經栽培的;平淡的;枯燥的;無爭議的;願意合作的;經開墾的
tractable adj.聽話的;易受影響的;易處理的
meek adj.嫻靜的;溫順的;順從的
break in 強行闖入;打斷談話, 插嘴
domesticate v.馴養;馴化;栽培;種植;使愛家;使善於持家
常用 權威
1. 馴服野獸
tame a wild beast;tame a wild animal
2. 馴服洪水
bring the flood under control
3. 馴服悍婦
tame a shrew
1. 哪怕只是一點點馴服習慣的措施都值得一試。
A measure that tames the habit even by a fraction is worth trying.
2. 貓是很馴服的。
Cats are very tame/docile.
3. 相反地,樣子兇的狗並不難馴服。
Contrary, the fierce-looking dog is not mean.
4. 我們正設法馴服一匹發了瘋的馬.
We are trying to tame a really mad horse.
5. 我認為他將在比賽中馴服約翰尼。
I think he's going to take care of biz against Johnnie Walker.
6. 馴服的動物;有野生藍梅果的地方。
Tame animals; fields of tame blueberries.
7. 這樣一匹野馬你是怎樣使它馴服的?
How did you manage to break in such a wild horse?
8. 他們的確是南美最馴服的泰加。
This suggests that they are the tamer tegus of South America.
9. 我們在馴服老虎的過程中歷盡艱辛.
We experienced great difficulty in taming tigers.
10. 一匹馴服的馬會讓主人稱心;
A trained horse is delightful to his master;
馴服(英文:tame),讀音xùn fú,漢語詞語,指的是順從、使順從。例句有“這匹烈馬性格暴躁,沒有人能馴服”。 相關古文有“大費佐舜馴鳥獸,鳥獸多馴服。”出自《史記·秦本紀》,相關近義詞有馴良、降服、順服,反義詞有兇惡、調皮、反抗。
形詞 docile; tame; tractable; meek
1. 貓是很馴服的。
Cats are very tame/docile.
動詞 tame; break in; domesticate
1. 馴服野獸
tame a wild animal
2. 馴服洪水
bring the flood under control