過渡的英文 過渡用英語怎麼說?
transit n.運送;運輸;運載;透過;經過;公共交通客運;凌日;中天;凌
常用 權威
1. 過渡期
transition period/duration; period of transition; transitional period
2. 過渡流
transition flow
3. 過渡態理論
transition-state theory
4. 過渡性貸款
bridging/stopgap loan
5. 過渡段落
transitional paragraph
6. 過渡地帶
transitional zone
7. 過渡和絃
transient chord
8. 過渡禮儀
passage rite
9. 過渡憲法
interim constitution
10. 平穩過渡
stable/smooth transition
11. 過渡電容
transition capacitance
12. 過渡電阻
transition resistor
13. 過渡飛行
transition flight
14. 過渡高度
transition altitude
15. 過渡平衡
transient equilibrium
16. 過渡誤差
transient error
17. 過渡層
beds of passage; buffer
18. 過渡卡
transition card
19. 過渡性組織
transitional organization
20. 過渡階段
transitional stage;transition stage
1. 如今,該領域正處在過渡之中。
Today, the field is in transition.
2. 三個階段的人生幾乎沒有過渡,而多階段的人生卻有很多過渡。
A three stage life has few transitions, while a multi-stage life has many.
3. 從社會主義過渡到共產主義是一個長的過程。
The transition from socialism to communism is a long process.
4. 在過渡過程中發揮關鍵性的作用。
Play a pivotal role in the transitional process.
5. 他很輕鬆地過渡到電影製片行業。
He transitioned into filmmaking easily.
6. 它們有若干相互間過渡的形式。
They have several forms which intergrade with each other.
7. 對過渡期的事,我不會放在心上的。
I shall pass over the matter of the transitional period.
8. 委員會建議十年的過渡期之後再廢除。
The commission recommended abolition after a run-out of ten years.
9. 中產階級與工人階級之間的過渡區域。
The twilight zone between the middle and working classes.
10. 一則主題有關從矇昧向知識過渡的寓言。
An allegory on the theme of the passage from ignorance to knowledge.
動詞 transit
1. 從社會主義過渡到共產主義是一個長的過程。
The transition from socialism to communism is a long process.
2. 過渡狀態
transition state
3. 過渡性組織
transitional organization
4. 過渡性檔案/措施
interim document/measure
5. 過渡形式
transitional form
6. 過渡時期
transition (period/duration); transitional period
7. 過渡階段
transition stage
8. 過渡地帶
transitional zone
9. 從計劃經濟向市場經濟的平穩過渡
smooth transition from a planned economy to a market economy
10. 過渡到共產主義
move on to communism