堅決的英文 堅決用英語怎麼說?
firm adj.堅硬的;結實的;堅信的;堅定的;牢固的;穩固的;確定的;明確的;嚴格的;強有力的
resolute adj.堅決的;堅定的;不屈不撓的
determined adj.下定決心的;決意的;堅定的;堅決的
adamant adj.固執的;執拗的
常用 權威
1. 堅決拒絕
flatly refuse
2. 意志堅決
be resolute in one's determination
3. 態度堅決
maintain a firm attitude
4. 堅決的支援
firm support
5. 得到堅決擁護
be strongly backed
6. 堅決的反對
determined opposition
7. 堅決的鬥爭
inexorable struggle
8. 堅決果斷的領導人
decisive leader
1. 總的來說,食品工業一直堅決反對政府的這種直接行動。
The food industry has, in general, been firmly opposed to such direct government action.
2. 他並沒反對,相反,他堅決支援。
He was not against it. Instead, he was strongly for it.
3. 賣淫活動傷風敗俗,應堅決制止。
Prostitution corrupts public morals and should be strictly banned.
4. 母親堅決反對女兒再見那個男孩。
The mother puts her foot down and makes her daughter stop seeing that boy again.
5. 他態度堅決,我沒法使他通融。
He was firm about it; I couldn’t bend him.
6. 在原則問題上他態度堅決。
He stands firm on matters of principle. / He takes a firm stand on matters of principle.
7. 他們堅決反對這項法律。
They bitterly/adamantly/resolutely opposed the law. / They were strongly against the law.
8. 發現偏向要堅決糾正。
If we find an erroneous tendency, we must correct it firmly.
9. 她堅決不來。
She was quite adamant that she would not come.
10. 在下半場,我們不得不堅決挺住。
In the second half, we just had to hang in there.
堅決(resolute),讀音jiān jué,是漢語詞語。指的是態度、主張、行動等確定不移。例句有“我們應該堅決反對男尊女卑的思想。” 相關句子有“堅決消滅敵人,堅決保住坑道,等待最後的反擊。”出自《東方》。近義詞有倔強、固執、頑強,反義詞有躊躇、遲疑、徘徊。
形詞 firm; resolute; determined; adamant
1. 他們堅決反對這項法律。
They bitterly/adamantly/resolutely opposed the law. / They were strongly against the law.
2. 她堅決不來。
She was quite adamant that she would not come.
3. 堅決果斷的領導人
decisive leader
4. 堅決的支援
firm support
5. 堅決的反對
determined opposition
6. 堅決的鬥爭
inexorable struggle
7. 堅決執行計劃
carry out the plan with determination
8. 堅決拒絕
flatly refuse
9. 堅決改正錯誤
rectify/correct a mistake with determination
10. 堅決反腐
resolutely fight corruption; stand firmly against corruption
11. 意志堅決
be resolute in one's determination
12. 態度堅決
maintain a firm attitude