粗暴的英文 粗暴用英語怎麼說?
rude adj.無禮的;粗魯的;粗野的;有活力的;粗壯的;強健的;粗製的;製作粗糙的;簡陋的;技術不精的;拙劣的
rough adj.不平滑的;粗糙的;不平整的;不平坦的;粗魯的;粗暴的;粗野的;粗俗的;未完成的;未加工的;粗製的;簡易的;基本的
crude adj.天然的;未加工的;未提煉的;粗製的;簡陋的;粗俗的;粗魯的;粗鄙的;概約的
brutal adj.殘忍的;野蠻的;嚴酷的;苛刻的;令人不舒服的;毫不掩飾不快情緒的
savage adj.兇猛的;猛烈的;極大的;嚴重的
violent adj.暴力的;暴行的;猛烈的;激烈的;劇烈的;強烈的;鮮豔的
常用 權威
1. 態度粗暴
have a rude attitude
2. 對下級很粗暴
be rude to one's subordinates
1. 對他的粗暴無理總這麼忍下去,不是個長法兒。
It’s not a long-term solution to tolerate his gross rudeness.
2. 他既急躁又粗暴。
He is irascible and violent.
3. 既陰晴不定卻又常常很粗暴的管理。
A capricious and often brutal administration.
4. 他經常很尖刻,對她粗暴無禮。
He was often sharp and rather short with her.
5. 他被粗暴無禮地推進了浴室。
He was pushed without ceremony into the bathroom.
6. 去投訴好像太粗暴卑鄙了。
It seems churlish to complain.
7. 那人粗暴地把我提了起來。
The man picked me up roughly.
8. 卡西曾經是她那粗暴專橫的丈夫的犧牲品。
Cathy had been a martyr to her gruff, domineering husband.
9. 在政治活動中粗暴無禮似乎已代替了智謀。
Yobbery seems to have replaced wit in politics.
10. 一場粗暴的比賽。
A bad-tempered match.
粗暴(英文:rude),讀音cū bào,漢語詞語,指的是魯莽暴躁。例句為“如今,家長不能再以門當戶對為由而粗暴干涉兒女的婚姻自由。” 相關近義詞有粗獷、蠻橫、乖戾。相關反義詞有和藹、溫存、和氣。
形詞 rude; rough; crude; brutal; savage; violent
1. 粗暴踐踏別國的獨立和主權
brutally trample on the independence and sovereignty of another country
2. 行為粗暴
crude/rough/coarse/uncouth behaviour; rough action
3. 態度粗暴
have a rude attitude
4. 脾氣粗暴
have a rough/raspy temper
5. 待人粗暴
treat others rough/roughly; be rude to sb; behave harshly to others