盜竊的英文 盜竊用英語怎麼說?
steal v.偷盜;竊取;偷偷地向…移動;秘密地向…移動;剽竊;偷吻;意外贏得;巧佔先機;偷壘;偷偷地看
burgle v.入室盜竊;破門行竊
常用 權威
1. 盜竊罪
larceny; theft; crime of theft
2. 盜竊癖
3. 盜竊犯
thief; larcener; larcenist; burglar
4. 盜竊案
stealing case; case of theft; larceny
5. 盜竊公物
steal public property
6. 盜竊秘密
steal secrets
7. 結夥盜竊
gang up to steal
8. 盜竊現金
steal cash
9. 盜竊珍寶
steal treasures
10. 盜竊集團
gang of robbers;burglarizing/stealing ring; gang of thieves
11. 貪汙盜竊
engage in graft and theft
12. 盜竊現款
steal cash
13. 盜竊保險
theft/burglary/robbery insurance
14. 告發一起盜竊案
snitch on a burglary
1. 只有極少數的入室盜竊是透過技術手段實施的。
Only a very small proportion of burglaries are committed by technical means.
2. 售貨員與門衛合謀盜竊商品。
The shop assistant conspired with the doorkeeper to steal merchandise.
3. 警察羈押了盜竊嫌疑犯以做進一步審問。
The police detained the suspected thief for further questioning.
4. 她曾六次因盜竊而被判刑。
She has had six convictions for theft.
5. 那人被控犯有盜竊罪。
The man was under an accusation of theft.
6. 他因盜竊罪被提審。
He was brought to court for theft.
7. 他在假釋期內又犯了入室盜竊罪。
He committed a burglary while on parole.
8. 他因被指控犯有六起盜竊案而出庭。
He appeared on six charges of theft.
9. 村民們對入室盜竊案感到不安。
The villagers are concerned about burglaries.
10. 你向警方告發我進行了那幾起盜竊。
You fingered me for those burglaries.
盜竊,是漢語詞彙,漢語拼音為dào qiè,是指以違法佔有為目的,採用規避他人管控的方式,轉移而侵佔他人財物管控權的行為。如:宋 蘇軾《論黑肱以濫來奔》:“﹝魯﹞招聚小國叛亡之臣,與之為盜竊之事。”
動詞 steal; burgle
1. 盜竊公物
steal public property