有主見的英文 有主見用英語怎麼說?
know one's own mind 有決斷
常用 重點詞彙
1. “她是個有主見的人,”她評論道。
[with direct speech]‘She's an independent soul,’ she commented.
2. 她異乎尋常,很有主見。
She's a right character with a will of her own.
3. 你是聰明的女孩,有主見的寶寶。
I trust you are a smart girl that wil be outstanding.
4. 他很有主見,所以絕不會順從.
He is so independent that he will never acquiesce.
5. 有主見的人在任何地方都能找到出路。
He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere.
6. 我們還是沒有真正達到那種有主見的程度。
We weren't really all that independent after all.
7. 他是一個有主見的人。
He was a man of set opinions.
8. 有主見是寬容和妥協。
It is about toleration and compromise.
9. 有主見是堅持自己的立場但並不威脅任何人。
It is about knowing how to stand your ground without being threatening to anyone.
10. 他們都是極有主見的人,因此個性上常有衝突。
They ' ve both very determined people , so there ' s rather a clash of personalities.
know one's own mind