幼兒的英文 幼兒用英語怎麼說?
child n.小孩;兒童;兒子;女兒;產物;子孫;後裔;幼稚的人;不負責任的人;缺經驗的人
infant n.幼兒;嬰兒;搖籃期的;五至七歲的學童;初期的;未成年人
children 孩子們(CHILD的複數)
the young 年輕人
young adj.年輕的;年紀輕的;年青的;幼小的;初期的
under age 未到法定年齡的, 未到法定年齡人做的
常用 權威
1. 幼兒期
2. 幼兒園
kindergarten; nursery school; infant school; day-care centre
3. 幼兒教師
pre-school teacher;pre-school teacher
4. 幼兒教育
pre-school education; early childhood education
5. 幼兒心理
child psychology;child psychology
6. 幼兒畫報
pre-school pictorial;pre-school pictorial
7. 幼兒床
cot; baby bed; crib
8. 幼兒腹瀉
infantile diarrhoea
9. 幼兒師範
kindergarten teacher-training school; pre-school teachers'institute; school for kindergarten teachers
10. 幼兒疾病
infantile diseases
11. 幼兒溼疹
infantile eczema
12. 幼兒食品
infant/baby food; junior food
13. 嬰幼兒配方奶粉
baby/infant formula
1. 她是路易斯維爾一所幼兒園的老師。
She was a teacher in a kindergarten in Louisville.
2. 為幼兒提供日常護理。
Providing routine care for small children.
3. 我們幼兒園的女兒想成為一名醫生是認真的。
Our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor.
4. 幼兒期同伴的社會接受度也能預測五年級的成績。
Social acceptance by peers in early childhood also predicted grades in fifth grade.
5. 低薪長期以來一直被認為是幼兒教育領域的一個主要問題。
Low pay has long been acknowledged as a major issue in the early childhood field.
6. 她的老師們寫下了他們和琳達從幼兒園到高中的美好時光。
Her teachers wrote down their beautiful days with Linda from kindergarten to high school.
7. 這項研究包括來自快速通道專案學校的386名幼兒園教師。
The study included 386 kindergarteners from schools in the Fast Track Project.
8. 我們正在為紐堡的Inspire兒童幼兒園尋找兼職教師助理。
We are looking for part-time teacher's aides for our Inspire Kids Pre-school in Newburgh.
9. 幼兒學步時總是搖搖晃晃的。
A baby wobbles when it begins to walk.
10. 幼兒咿咿呀呀地說話。
The infant chatters/prattles.
幼兒,指1歲的孩子度過了嬰兒期,進入了幼兒期。介於嬰兒期和學齡前時期之間。 幼兒無論在神經發育上還是心理發育上,都出現了新的發展,神經纖維有顯著的突觸生長和髓鞘形成,認知能力突然增加。此階段最適合兒童身體發育,鼓勵兒童探索、嘗試新的事物與環境。
名詞 child; infant; child of tender years
1. 幼兒心理
child psychology
2. 幼兒教師
pre-school teacher
3. 幼兒畫報
pre-school pictorial
形詞 young; under age
1. 幼童/畜
young child/animal
2. 幼樹
3. 幼鹿
名詞 children; the young
1. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼。
Love old people as your old parents, love small children as your own children.