絕情的英文 絕情用英語怎麼說?
heartless adj.無情的;狠心的
cruel adj.殘忍的;殘酷的;殘暴的
常用 權威
1. 絕情忘義
be ungrateful and heartless
1. 你這話太絕情。
It’s cruel of you to say so.
2. 你個絕情的傢伙!
You were unsympathetic guy!
3. 她寧願傾聽他的冷酷的絕情話語,卻不願聽到他的新的追訴.
She would rather listen to his Brutal rejection than to new pleadings.
4. 很絕情的信對吧? 不過在把這封信交給女孩之前,他告訴了女孩一個秘密。
But before handing over the letter to the girl, the boy told her a secret.
5. 祝燕姿所有很棒的歌迷身體健康,那些還在求學的要努力學習(也要絕情玩樂)。
To all her great fans, good health and study hard (play hard too) for those who are stil schooling.
6. 赫莉再也無法忍受他的絕情和冷漠,終於,一個無知的謊言在她的腦海中誕生了。
Hayley could not bear his indifference and made up a lie.
7. 面對女友的絕情信,他感覺天快塌下來了,並聽到內心在嘲弄他是世上最笨的人。
In the face of his girlfriend's Dear John email, he felt the sky was about to fall and heard his innermost being mock him as the most foolish one in the world.
8. 我明白臉皮厚和絕情的人為什麼會很扭魯,但是我不明白敏感的人為什麼也會這樣。
I can understand why people who are thick-skinned and unfeeling can be rude, but not sensitive people.
9. 女人是絕情,因為她的心裡不能同時裝下二個男人,總有一個是她所愛所不能捨得的。
Women are unique feeling, because her heart cannot simultaneously hold next two men always have a is her lovers cannot be willing to part with or use.
10. 我們應該選擇這樣的候選人,他們在辯論真正的國家政策議題上的雖“絕情”,但是繞開不去攻擊他們對手的個人特質。
We should opt for candidates who are ruthless in debating real public policy issues but steer away from attacking the personal traits of their opponents.
絕情(英文:heartless),拼音為jué qíng,漢語詞語,意思是無情,斷絕情義。例句為“同志之間不應該說這種絕情的話。” 相關句子有“好好的朋友,一翻臉,就絕情到這步田地。”出自許地山 《兇手》。
《三國殺》中武將技能 張春華 勢力:魏 3血 一將成名擴充包 絕情:鎖定技,你即將造成的傷害視為失去體力。
形詞 heartless; cruel
1. 你這話太絕情。
It's cruel of you to say so.
2. 絕情忘義
be ungrateful and heartless