愚公移山的英文 愚公移山用英語怎麼說?
like the Foolish Old Man who removed the mountains―do seemingly impossible things with dogged perseverance and succeed eventually
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 這簡直就是現代版的愚公移山啊。
It sounds like a modern version of \Yugong Removing the Mountains\.
2. 愚公移山是傳說中的一個著名故事.
Mt. Yugongyi is in a fable famous story.
3. 愚公移山是從搬小石子開始的.
The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
4. 他這個人幹事很有愚公移山的精神。
He does things as consistently as Yugong's moving away the mountains.
5. 據傳說,這就是當年愚公移山
Legend has it that this is where the Follish Old Man removed the mountains.
6. 愚公移山的事很快被玉皇大帝知道了。
Things quickly foolish old man move the mountain Jade know.
7. 有一種執著,叫愚公移山。
There is a belief, called Jingwei.
8. 2017年1月7日,喚覺音樂封箱演出,在愚公移山和猴年馬月的自己揮手告別。
The ending show of the lunar year of monkey, 2016, will be shown on 1.7,2017. Wish you all the best in new year.
9. 鄰居有一小男孩,剛剛開始換牙,看見大家幹活這麼起勁兒,也蹦蹦跳跳地去幫愚公移山了。
There was a little neighbor boy who didn't even have his front teeth yet. When he saw what Yu Gong and his sons were doing, he went down with them to help move the mountain.
10. 在酒吧遍地的三里屯地區,愚公移山一直是本土與國際樂隊交流的平臺,同時也是北京派對文化的標籤。
It's been a platform for local and international bands and party labels in an area predominated by mega discos and green lasers.
《愚公移山》是戰國時期的列禦寇創作的寓言故事,選自《列子·湯問》。 該故事講述愚公不畏艱難,挖山不止,最終感動天帝而將山挪走的故事。透過愚公的堅持不懈的“愚”與智叟的膽小怯懦的“智”的對比,表現了中國古代勞動人民的信心和毅力,說明了要克服困難就必須堅持不懈的道理。
《愚公移山》是由霍建起執導,王慶祥、郭曉冬等主演的劇情電影,於2008年12月12日在中國上映。 該片講述了工人李雙良在退休後,開始對給城市環境造成汙染,給百姓健康帶來危害的廢渣山進行治理,透過十年辛勤的工作,將曾經的廢渣場變成了美麗的花園。
null詞 like the Foolish Old Man who removed the mountains―do seemingly impossible things with dogged perseverance and succeed eventually
like the Foolish Old Man who removed the mountains―do seemingly impossible things with dogged perseverance and succeed eventually