麻花的英文 麻花用英語怎麼說?
worn out adj.疲憊不堪的;精疲力竭的;不能再用的;破舊的;耗盡的;過時的;陳腐的
常用 權威
1. 炸麻花
fry dough twists
2. 麻花鑽
double worm screw; twist drill; drill; fluted/milled twist drill
3. 一根麻花
a fried dough twist
4. 大麻花
large fried dough twist
5. 油脂麻花
grease-stained; smeared/spotted with grease
6. 油炸麻花
cruller; fried dough twist
7. 脆麻花
crisp fried dough twist
8. 做麻花
make dough twists
1. 你的褲腿都麻花了。
The legs of your trousers are worn out. / The legs of your trousers have worn thin.
2. 麻花炸得真焦。
The fried dough twist is very crisp.
3. 大多數金屬鑽孔用的是麻花
Most drilling in metal is done with a twist drill.
4. 那我能吃這甜肉桂麻花了嗎?
Can I please have the cinnamon twist?
5. 就像一香豔的 、 卷得像麻花的野貓.
Twisty Iike the bobcat , saIty type of pretzeI.
6. 麻花鑽的功用是鑽孔.
The function of an auger is to bore holes.
7. 為什麼要麻花型的我不知道但我是這麼做的。
Why it should be braided, I don't know, but I went with it.
8. 甜美女孩的粗線麻花長圍巾讓冬天也溫暖起來。
The sweet beautiful girl's thick string twist rebozo makes the cold winter warm.
9. 橫向截形是麻花鑽螺旋麵容屑槽的一個特徵引數。
Drill cross section profile(DCSP) is a characteristic parameter of drill helix flute form.
10. 你同樣可以在特殊場合下將奶油蛋卷做成麻花狀.
One can also shape the brioche into a braid for special occasions.
麻花是中國的一種特色油炸麵食小吃,主產於陝西省咸陽、山西稷山、湖北崇陽等地,其中山西稷山以鹹香油酥出名,湖北崇陽以小麻花出名,天津以大麻花出名,另有天津十八街麻花、河南汝陽縣麻花、江蘇藕粉麻花、河南寧平麻花、湖南新化趙氏麻花各具特色。在中國北方地區,立夏時節也有吃麻花的古老習俗,剛出鍋的麻花金黃醒目,甘甜爽脆,口感清新,甜而不膩,齒頰留香,好吃且不油膩。 製作麻花的主要食材是麵粉、雞蛋、牛奶等,做法是以兩或三股條狀的面擰在一起用油炸制而成。 麻花據傳是由東漢人柴文進發明的,寓意長長久久、長壽、年年有餘,宋代詩人蘇軾曾有一首《寒具詩》寫道:“纖手搓成玉數尋,碧油煎出嫩黃深,夜來春睡無輕重,壓扁佳人纏臂金”,來讚美麻花。
名詞 fried dough twist [made of two or three long and narrow twisted pieces of dough]
1. 大麻花
large fried dough twist
2. 脆麻花
crisp fried dough twist
3. 做麻花
make dough twists
4. 炸麻花
fry dough twists
5. 一根麻花
a fried dough twist
形詞 (of clothes) wearing thin; worn out
1. 你的褲腿都麻花了。
The legs of your trousers are worn out. / The legs of your trousers have worn thin.