垂下的英文 垂下用英語怎麼說?
pendency n.懸垂;懸而未決;垂下;未決
hang v.懸;吊;懸著;吊著;垂著;吊死;絞死;懸浮;宕機;籠罩
droop v.松垂;垂下;下垂;下陷;使彎下;使垂下
hold down 按住;壓低;壓住
come down 下降, 落下;倒塌, 崩潰, 被毀;流傳下來;決定支援;大學畢業;漸由興奮的感覺中平靜清醒;漲潮;墜毀
常用 重點詞彙
1. 柳樹枝垂下來觸到了水面。
The willow branches hung down and touched the water.
2. 一件黑色的長斗篷從他肩膀上垂下。
A long black cloak drooped from his shoulders.
3. 被她的嘲笑刺痛,弗朗基垂下了頭。
Stung by her mockery, Frankie hung his head.
4. 他的舌頭從張開的嘴裡垂下來。
His tongue depended fromopen jaws.
5. 一條繩索彎彎曲曲地垂下來。
A rope snaked down.
6. 謝莉別有用意地讓頭髮垂下。
Shelley let her hair down in more ways than one.
7. 幾根紅髮無精打采地從她的髮髻松垂下來。
Red hairs draggled dispiritedly from her chignon.
8. 她垂下了雙眼。
She cast down her eyes.
9. 湯姆聽後臉色煞白,垂下了眼皮.
Tom blanched and dropped his eyes.
10. 頭垂下並放鬆,呼吸,注意雙腳。
Let the weight of the head go. Breathe. Keep a focus on your feetsies.
pendency; hang; droop; hold down; to hang down; come down; flap down