不恰當的英文 不恰當用英語怎麼說?
irrelevancy n.離題;不恰當
impertinence n.無禮;魯莽;不恰當;(impertinency的複數)
out of the way 偏遠的;已解決的, 已結束的;反常的, 異常的, 不尋常的;不再礙事, 不擋道
常用 重點詞彙
1. 第三,當你的孩子做出不恰當的選擇時,不要急於介入。
Thirdly, don't be quick to get involved when your children make an improper choice.
2. 用水流作比方來解釋光的運動是不恰當的。
It is inappropriate to explain the movement of light by analogy with that of water.
3. 稱這為小區治安管理是不恰當的。
To call this neighbourhood policing would be a misnomer.
4. 以介詞結束句子是不恰當的。
It is improper to end a sentence with a preposition.
5. 對華盛頓貿易盈餘的批評是不恰當的。
Criticism of the trade surplus in Washington is misconceived.
6. 這不是一個不恰當的字眼。
It is not an unapt word.
7. 他的說明非常不恰當。
His illustration is singularly infelicitous.
8. 避免一時衝動傳送不恰當的資訊.
Avoid sending a tweet in the heat of the moment.
9. 羅列不恰當的事實支援某一學說。
Adduce impertinent facts in support of a theory
10. 他們語言的尖銳潑辣是不恰當的.
The saltiness of their language was inappropriate.
be unbecoming to; irrelevancy; impertinence; out of the way