收回的英文 收回用英語怎麼說?
take back 收回;取回;拿回
call in 召集;給…打電話;順道來訪
regain v.重新獲得;恢復使用;再次到達;返回;回到
recall v.記得;回想起;回憶起;叫回;召回;提醒;使人想起;使憶起;使想起;回索
recover v.恢復;找回;重獲;康復;復原;使(自己、體力或精神)恢復常態;賺回;取得;挽回;彌補
withdraw v.抽回;移開;拉開;撤退;撤離;戒毒;退出;撤回;離開;撤消
countermand v.撤銷;取消;取消購買;撤銷…的訂單;撤銷(別人)的命令;宣佈(選舉)無效
retract v.縮回;縮排;撤回;收回;違背;將(身體部分)縮回;收起
rescind v.廢除;取消
常用 權威
1. 收回禮物
resume a gift
2. 收回版權
withdraw one's copyright
3. 收回貨物
repossess goods
4. 收回成命
countermand/retract/recall/withdraw/rescind/revoke an order; revoke a command
5. 收回承諾
take back one's promise;take back one's promise
6. 收回主權
regain sovereignty
7. 收回投資
recoup one's investment
8. 收回房產
recover premises
1. 為商品支付的稅款或費用可以收回。
Taxes or fees paid on the merchandise may be recovered.
2. 他曾預言沒有效果——將收回他的話。
Meanwhile, Schwitzgebel—who had predicted no effect—will be eating his words.
3. 你不能收回你說過的話。
You can’t retract what you have said.
4. 他既沒收回他的話,也沒道歉。
He failed to withdraw his remarks and apologize.
5. 等我贏了,他們就會收回前言。
They will eat their words when I win.
6. 他起訴教區長要求收回不動產。
He brought an action in ejectment against the rector.
7. 烤箱會在18個月內收回成本。
The oven will have paid for itself inside 18 months.
8. 從屋內收回一些武器,包括一支獵槍。
Weapons were recovered from the house, including a shotgun.
9. 他意識到自己說的話太怪,趕緊收回。
Realizing the oddity of the remark, he retracted it.
10. 我不會收回我說的任何話的。
I take back nothing of what I said.
收回,漢語詞彙,拼音是shōu huí,釋義即把送出去的又拿回來。也有後悔的意思。比如我收回成命、收回剛才說過的話 ,收回送給你的東西等等。
動詞 take back; call in; regain; recall; recover
1. 把破爛的鈔票收回停用
retire worn or torn bills from use
2. 收回主權
regain sovereignty
3. 收回投資
recoup one's investment
4. 收回禮物
resume a gift
5. 收回貨物
repossess goods
6. 收回房產
recover premises
7. 收回貸款
recall/recover a loan
動詞 withdraw; countermand; retract; rescind
1. 你不能收回你說過的話。
You can't retract what you have said.
2. 收回提議
withdraw one's suggestion/proposal
3. 收回承諾
take back one's promise
4. 收回報價
revoke/withdraw an offer