心裡的英文 心裡用英語怎麼說?
chest n.胸膛;箱;資金;上身;小箱子;金庫;錢庫;公款
heart n.心臟;中心;最裡面;心形;肥力;心情;勇氣;情緒;熱情;胸部
mind n.頭腦;智力;思維能力;注意力;心思;思維;意願;記憶力;意向;正常思維
常用 權威
1. 心裡話
innermost thoughts and feelings
2. 心裡沒底
feel uncertain about
3. 心裡打鼓
feel uneasy
4. 心裡發酸
feel sick at heart
5. 心裡爽快
be delighted
6. 心裡納悶
feel puzzled
7. 心裡不服
be mutinous in one's heart
8. 心裡快活
feel happy
9. 心裡有底
be clear in one's mind
10. 心裡亂跳
one's heart miss a beat
11. 心裡發毛
feel scared; be panic-stricken
12. 心裡樂開了花
burst with joy
13. 心裡硌硬
feel very depressed
14. 把煩惱悶在心裡
bottle one's worries up
15. 心裡不痛快
feel bad (about)
16. 潛藏在心裡的痛苦
pain hidden in one's heart
17. 傾吐心裡的憂愁
get worries off one's chest
18. 把東西握在手心裡
hold sth in one's palm
19. 啞巴吃餃子,心裡有數
a mute eating jiaozi /dumplings knows how many he has downed—people know exactly how things stand though for some reason they have to keep quiet
20. 心裡有一股說不出的味道
have an indescribable feeling
1. 你不會心裡哼著歌,蹦蹦跳跳地去就業中心。
You don't skip down to the jobcentre with a song in your heart.
2. \有很多事要做,\亨利看著雜亂的廚房,心裡想。
\There's a lot to do, \Henry thought, as he looked at the mess in the kitchen.
3. 無論是在街上還是在公園裡,她心裡只有一件事:松鼠!
On the street or in the park, she had only one thing on her mind: squirrels!
4. 湯姆把刷子給了本,雖然臉上帶著不情願,但心裡卻很高興。
Tom gave Ben his brush with reluctance (勉強) on his face, but with happiness in his heart.
5. 獨自待在那裡,他心裡悶沉沉的。
He felt very depressed staying home all alone.
6. 聽了這番話,她心裡和平了許多。
She became a lot more at ease on hearing those words.
7. 任務沒完成,我心裡總是不落實。
I’ll not feel at ease until I finish the task.
8. 得知考試及格,我心裡就踏實了。
I felt very much relieved when I heard I had passed the exam.
9. 老師的一番話深深鐫刻在我心裡。
I have kept the teacher’s words firmly in mind. / The teacher’s words are engraved in my mind.
10. 聽到這個訊息,他心裡直犯嘀咕。
He feels rather uneasy at the news.
名詞 chest
1. 心裡發疼
have a pain in the chest
2. 心裡堵得慌
feel a tightness in the chest
名詞 heart; mind
1. 我說的話別太往心裡去。
Don't take too much to heart what I said.
2. 我心裡的想法很多。
My mind was full of ideas.
3. 他心裡總裝著人民的利益。
He always has the interests of the people at heart.
4. 他心裡七上八下的。
He was already rattled.
5. 你心裡有我嗎?
Do you have me at heart?
6. 傾吐心裡的憂愁
get worries off one's chest
7. 記在心裡
keep/bear sth in mind
8. 心裡有種奇怪的感覺
have a strange feeling at the back of one's mind
9. 心裡有數
know very well in one's heart
10. 心裡有鬼
have ulterior motives/designs; have a guilty conscience
11. 心裡有底
be clear in one's mind
12. 心裡踏實
have a clear/an easy conscience
13. 心裡盤算著
turn things over in one's mind
14. 心裡納悶
feel puzzled
15. 心裡明白
be clear in one's mind; know sth in one's heart
16. 心裡亂跳
one's heart miss a beat
17. 心裡很亂
one's mind is in a whirl
18. 心裡發虛
feel rather diffident; lose one's nerve
19. 心裡發毛
feel scared; be panic-stricken
20. 心裡打鼓
feel uneasy
21. 心裡不痛快
feel bad (about)
22. 心裡不服
be mutinous in one's heart