琢磨的英文 琢磨用英語怎麼說?
polish v.擦亮;拋光;改進
refine v.提煉;精煉;精製;使(想法、理論或方法)更精妙;更精確;更完善
think over 重新考慮;仔細考慮
ponder v.思索;考慮
reckon v.計算;數;估計;判斷;以為;認為;想;依靠;依賴;確信
estimate v.估計;評價;判斷
appraise v.評價;估價;評估質量;評價…的表現;為…定價;為…估價
常用 權威
1. 寶石琢磨
gem cutting
2. 琢磨玉器
carve and polish jade wares
3. 切磋琢磨
carve and polish―learn from each other by exchanging views; study and learn by mutual discussion/consultation
1. 他心裡在琢磨這位老人家是誰。
He was wondering who that old man could be.
2. 反覆琢磨,才能領會這首詩的意蘊。
The poem can be understood only by fathoming its deeper import.
3. 我琢磨能完成這項工程。
I estimate that I can finish this project.
4. 這篇文章還可以再琢磨。
This article still needs polishing.
5. 我琢磨他一定會來。
I reckon that he will come.
6. 眼下的股市真有點令人琢磨不透。
It's hard to draw a bead on the stock market these days.
7. 幹嗎要在心中琢磨一個詞的意思?
Why grope after the meaning of a ward?
8. 女生讓人琢磨不透,也難以對付。
Girls are not easy to comprehend or handle.
9. 一個人自個兒瞎琢磨的,叫犯賤。
A person was thinking, called.
10. 頭昂得高高的,不再琢磨些什麼;
Rasing my head, I will not think about something more.
動詞 carve and polish (jade)
1. 琢磨玉器
carve and polish jade wares
動詞 improve (literary works); polish; refine
1. 這篇文章還可以再琢磨。
This article still needs polishing.
動詞 think over; turn over in one's mind; ponder
1. 琢磨問題
turn a problem over in one's mind; ponder upon an issue
2. 琢磨出個辦法
figure out a way (to do sth)
動詞 reckon; estimate; appraise
1. 我琢磨能完成這項工程。
I estimate that I can finish this project.
2. 我琢磨他一定會來。
I reckon that he will come.
3. 他心裡在琢磨這位老人家是誰。
He was wondering who that old man could be.