表面上的英文 表面上用英語怎麼說?
ostensible adj.詭稱的;貌似真實的
superficial adj.表面的;外表的;膚淺的;粗淺的;表面上的;表皮的;粗略的;面積的;平方的
seeming adj.表面上的;貌似的;看似…的
apparent adj.清晰可見的;清晰明瞭的;明顯的;表面上的;貌似真實的;從地球上看到的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 表面上不情願
be seemingly reluctant
1. 把揹包放在光滑表面上,齊腰高。
Put the pack on a smooth surface, at waist height.
2. 將揹包放在比腰部高的光滑表面上。
Put the pack on a smooth surface, above the waist height.
3. 將不同型別的衣服放在房間的不同表面上。
Put different types of clothing on different surfaces in the room.
4. 他表面上是個富有的紳士,實際上是個窮畫家。
He appeared to be a wealthy gentleman while he really was a poor painter.
5. 這些表面上簡單的區別在無數的眼睛中變得模糊了。
Such seemingly straightforward distinctions become blurry through numberless eyes.
6. 他們表面上冷靜沉著,面不改色。
Outwardly they are cool, calm, and collected.
7. 埃倫表面上對那女子命運的漠然。
Ellen's seeming indifference to the woman's fate.
8. 油膩的表面上,油漆附著不牢。
Paint won't adhere well to a greasy surface.
9. 表面上佈滿了坑坑窪窪的膿皰。
The surface is coarsely pustulate.
10. 裁員表面上是為了讓機構更有效率,更健康。
Staff were pruned, ostensibly to produce a leaner and fitter organization.
ostensible; superficial; seeming; apparent