依我看來的英文 依我看來用英語怎麼說?
in my opinion 在我看來;我的觀點;我認為
常用 重點詞彙
1. 依我看來,他不是故意傷害你的。
T hurt you on purpose.
2. 依我看來,你應該接受老師的建議。
You should follow your teacher's advice.
3. 依我看來,那是內容無聊的書.
In my opinion that is a poor book.
4. 依我看來, 這非常重要.
As I see it, this is of great importance.
5. 依我看來,他的表情似乎悲痛多於忿怒。
It seemed to me that there was more sorrow than anger in his rigid and contained countenance.
6. 依我看來,沒有什麼會違背自然的法則而執行。
In my opinion, nothing occurs contrary to nature except the impossible, and that never occurs. - Galileo Galilei.
7. 依我看來,你的解釋不如和傑克的解釋令人信服。
In my opinion, your explanation is so so convincing than the one Jack gave us.
8. 衣不如新, 人不如舊,依我看來,你還是回去好些。
You know, new clothes are best, and so are old acquaintances. I think, you'd better go back.
9. 依我看來,決議設定的目標遠比一般人的理解要寬泛。
The objectives set out by the resolution seem to me to broader than what is commonly thought. Para.
10. 依我看來/在我眼裡/從我的觀點來看/根據我的看法/根據我的觀點,……
In my opinion/In my eye/From my viewpoint/perspective/point of view, …
in my opinion