補貼的英文 補貼用英語怎麼說?
subsidize v.在財政上支援;補助;資助;補貼
常用 權威
1. 一次過補貼
one-off subsidy
2. 定額補貼
fixed/set quotas for subsidies
3. 工資補貼
pay supplement (to regular wages)
4. 額外補貼
fringe benefit; perquisite
5. 信貸補貼
subsidized credit
6. 交通補貼
traffic allowance
7. 風險補貼
risk premium
8. 取暖補貼
heating allowance
9. 住房補貼
housing subsidy;housing subsidies/allowance
10. 加班補貼
overtime allowance
11. 小額補貼
fringe benefit; light subsidy
12. 進口補貼
import subsidy
13. 出口補貼
export subsidy
14. 糧油補貼
grain and oil subsidy
15. 生活補貼
cost-of-living allowance; subsistence allowance
16. 伙食補貼
food subsidies
17. 福利補貼
welfare allowance
18. 房租補貼
rent subsidies
19. 運費補貼
20. 物價補貼
subsidy to compensate for price rises; price subsidy
1. 那些提供鉅額政府補貼的機構。
Those that provide enormous government subsidies.
2. 補貼企業採用簡樸包裝。
Subsidies companies to adopt plain packaging.
3. 這方面的一個例子是政府補貼的工作分擔。
An example of these is work-sharing with government subsidies.
4. 二是政府政策和補貼。
The second is government policy and subsidy.
5. 他們尋求政府補貼。
They seek subsidies from the government.
6. 即便如此,如果沒有補貼支援,他們很少能解決強烈的個人需求。
Even so, they can rarely, without subsidized support, address serious personal needs.
7. 他們依靠政府補貼維持生存。
They depend on government subsidies for their subsistence.
8. 這家國有企業虧損,靠政府補貼支撐著。
The state-owned enterprise was losing money, and was propped up by state subsidy.
9. 就農產品的補貼問題,兩國仍舊積不相能。
The two countries are still at loggerheads over the question of farm subsidies.
10. 一些補貼將被叫停並進而被取消。
Some subsidies would get a red light and be prohibited.
補貼(拼音:bǔ tīe),是指一成員方政府或任何公共機構向某些企業提供的財政捐助以及對價格或收入的支援,以直接或間接增加從其領土輸出某種產品或減少向其領土內輸入某種產品,或者對其他成員方利益形成損害的政府性措施。補貼必須與政府或公共機構相關,即便不是國家權力機構,只要行使政府職能,即屬於政府範疇,政府既包括中央政府,也包括次一級的政府。
動詞 subsidize
1. 他們依靠政府補貼維持生存。
They depend on government subsidies for their subsistence.
2. 住房補貼
housing subsidy
3. 信貸補貼
subsidized credit
4. 現金補貼
cash allowance/subsidy
5. 生活補貼
cost-of-living allowance; subsistence allowance
6. 交通補貼
traffic allowance
7. 價格/糧食補貼
price/grain subsidy
8. 加班補貼
overtime allowance
9. 伙食補貼
food subsidies
10. 工資外補貼
supplement to one's wages
11. 風險補貼
risk premium
12. 出口/貿易補貼
export/trade subsidy
13. 提供大量補貼
provide massive subsidy
14. 減少/增加補貼
reduce/increase the subsidies
15. 補貼家用
augment/supplement the family income