判決的英文 判決用英語怎麼說?
sentence n.句子;判決;徒刑;命題
decide v.決定;拿定主意;決心;裁決;判決;選定;對…作出決定;解決
adjudicate v.判決;宣判;裁定;裁判;宣告
adjudge v.判決;宣判;裁決;判給;授予;處罰;罰…款
judgement n.判斷;上天的懲罰;報應;判決;審判;結論;裁決;意見;看法
verdict n.裁定;判斷;意見
ruling n.裁決;裁定
decision n.結論;決定;解決;決斷;果斷
常用 權威
1. 判決書
court verdict; written judgement/decision
2. 缺席判決
judgement by default;judgement by default
3. 初審判決
judgement of first instance
4. 判決通知書
notice of judgement
5. 民事判決
civil judgement;civil decision/judgement
6. 二審判決
second instance judgement
7. 法院判決書
court decision; opinion of the court
8. 不當判決
unjust judgement
9. 最終判決
conclusive judgement/decision; final ruling/verdict
10. 判決記錄
judgement record/rolls; minutes of judgement
11. 即時判決
instant judgement
12. 上訴判決
appellate decision
13. 判決案件
decide a case;decide a case
14. 終審判決
final judgement;final judgement
15. 不服判決
refuse to accept the verdict
16. 緩刑判決
probationary sentence
17. 中間判決
interlocutory decree
18. 補充判決
supplementary judgement
19. 減刑判決
commuted sentence
20. 作出判決
make a judgement
1. 聯邦上訴法院推翻了之前的判決。
A federal appeals court overturned the prior decision.
2. 移民問題通常由國會判決。
Immigration issues are usually decided by Congress.
3. 最高法院週四的意見推翻了兩項已有數十年曆史的判決。
The Supreme Court's opinion Thursday overruled a pair of decades-old decisions.
4. 但是,2010年3月,一位法官判決基因不能授予專利權。
But in March 2010 a judge ruled that genes were unpatentable.
5. 與部落分離,或者更糟的是,被趕出部落,是一種死亡判決。
Becoming separated from the tribe—or worse, being cast out—was a death sentence.
6. 英國國民保健署信託基金對德納姆的判決作出了必要的調整。
The NHS trust responded to Denham's verdict with necessary adjustments.
7. 比賽中運動員要服從裁判的判決。
Athletes should obey the referee’s decision in any competition. / Sportsmen should respect the decision of the referee in any competition.
8. 他們因為裁判的判決而大打出手。
They came to blows over the referee’s ruling.
9. 法官們對這一判決意見有分歧。
The judges split/differed on the decision. / The decision split the committee.
10. 他們不服判決,決定申訴。
Not satisfied with the verdict, they decided to make an appeal.
《判決》是奧地利作家弗蘭茲·卡夫卡著作的短篇小說,創作於1912年9月22日晚間至9月23日凌晨。 該小說講述了事業有成的年輕商人格奧爾格與一位門當戶對的姑娘定了婚,而他一直猶豫要不要把婚訊告訴遠在俄羅斯的童年玩伴,卻被父親質疑是否有這樣一位朋友,隨後又指責格奧爾格的婚姻是對父母與朋友的背叛,他判決格奧格爾跳河淹死,格奧爾格最終因精神壓力跳河而亡得故事。 該小說是卡夫卡創作成熟開始的標誌,更是深刻烙印著作家自我的童年色彩和象徵舊世界的人的荒誕境遇的代表作品。小說中的父子關係實為“人神”關係的隱喻——父親是上帝的化身,兒子則為人子的代表。父親與兒子的關係顯得緊張、畸形,影射著終極價值失落的現代西方,人神關係走向疏離、淡漠、乃至惡化的現實語境。
動詞 pass judgement (on); pronounce (judgement); make a ruling; sentence; decide; adjudicate; adjudge
1. 判決如下
the sentence runs/is as follows
2. 判決有罪/無罪
pronounce sb guilty/innocent
3. 判決某人敗訴/勝訴
decide against/in favour of sb
4. 判決案件
decide a case
名詞 judgement; sentence; verdict; ruling
1. 法官將於明天作出判決。
The judge will give his decision tomorrow.
2. 作出判決
make a judgement
3. 終審判決
final judgement
4. 刑事判決
criminal judgement
5. 缺席判決
judgement by default
6. 民事判決
civil judgement
7. 初審判決
judgement of first instance
8. 執行判決
carry out/execute a sentence
9. 宣佈判決
pass/pronounce a sentence; hand down/pass/pronounce/render judgement (on sb)
10. 維持原來的判決
affirm the original judgement
11. 撤銷判決
reverse/recall a judgement
12. 不服判決
refuse to accept the verdict
名詞 decision; judgement
1. 比賽中運動員要服從裁判的判決。
Athletes should obey the referee's decision in any competition. / Sportsmen should respect the decision of the referee in any competition.