世界上的英文 世界上用英語怎麼說?
in the world 竟然;到底;究竟;在世界上
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這座玻璃橋比世界上任何一座都長。
The glass bridge is longer than any other one in the world.
2. 他們的貧民窟比世界上其他城市多。
They have more slums than other cities in the world.
3. 世界上大約30%的茶葉出口到倫敦。
About 30 percent of the world's export of tea makes its way to London.
4. 講講世界上最高的公路隧道。
Tell something about the world's highest highway tunnel.
5. 世界上最罕見的鴨子,正在捲土重來。
The world's rarest (罕見的) duck, is making a comeback.
6. 世界上只有131只鴞鸚鵡。
There are only 131 kakapo parrots in the world.
7. 目前,世界上大約有6800種語言。
At present, the world has about 6, 800 languages.
8. 該公司稱之為世界上第一輛飛行摩托車。
The company calls it the world's first flying motorcycle.
9. 世界上有60多種水虎魚。
There are more than 60 kinds of Piranha fish.
10. 我們保持著世界上動物遷徙時間最長的記錄!
We hold the record for the longest migration (遷徙) of any animal in the world!
in the world