振奮人心的英文 振奮人心用英語怎麼說?
inspire people; cause excitement; fill people with enthusiasm; be heart-stirring; be encouraging; heighten the people's morale; inspire people with hope
常用 重點詞彙
1. 振奮人心的哥特式建築之美。
The inspiriting beauty of Gothic architecture.
2. 這還不是僅有的振奮人心
Now, that's not the only exciting part.
3. 我剛剛讀了一條振奮人心的技術。
Yael: I just read about an exciting technique.
4. 也許學稅法更能振奮人心一些。
Perhaps tax law would have been more uplifting.
5. 這很振奮人心,但也有點令人驚慌。
And it's very exciting, but it's also a little bit scary.
6. 我發現這一實踐非常振奮人心。
Now I found this principle really exciting.
7. 多麼振奮人心的一場球賽啊!
How exciting a football match it is!
8. 這是一本情節複雜但能振奮人心的書。
Stimulating It is a complex yet stimulating book.
9. 謝謝你的故事與我們分享這一振奮人心。
Thank you for sharing this inspiring story with us.
10. 這本書太振奮人心了,很值得再讀一遍。
(worth) This book is so exciting that it is well worth reading again.
振奮人心(英文:inspire people),讀音為zhèn fèn rén xīn,漢語成語,指的是內心激動,精神振作奮發。例句有“聽到這一振奮人心的訊息,同學們越發有幹勁了”。 出自於峻青《火把贊》:“啊,火把,這飽經革命風暴的膠東老根據地的鄉親們手中高舉的火把,是那麼熾熱,那麼明亮,那麼振奮人心”。 相關近義詞有意氣風發、震撼人心、鬥志昂揚,反義詞有偃旗息鼓。
inspire people; cause excitement; fill people with enthusiasm; be heart-stirring; be encouraging; heighten the people's morale; inspire people with hope