心裡想的英文 心裡想用英語怎麼說?
say to oneself 對自己說;告訴自己
常用 重點詞彙
1. \有很多事要做,\亨利看著雜亂的廚房,心裡想。
\There's a lot to do, \Henry thought, as he looked at the mess in the kitchen.
2. 海勒姆一點不在乎達雷爾心裡想的是什麼。
Hiram didn't care diddly-squat about what Darrel thought.
3. “我一個人過日子完全可以。““大言不慚,“她心裡
I'll be perfectly OK on my own.' 'Famous last words,' she thought to herself.
4. 我沒有吭聲,心裡想他在譏笑我。
I was silent: I thought he mocked me.
5. 可是,我只想依著心裡想的去做。
However, according to the heart I just want to do it anyway.
6. 珂賽特心裡想,是她自己搞錯了。
Cosette thought that she had been mistaken.
7. 我心裡想,不如趁這個機會溜走.
I thought the best thing I could do was to slip off.
8. 克里克太太心裡想的只是眼前的事。
Mrs Crick's mind kept nearer to the matter in hand.
9. 兩人心裡想的東西都是那麼有默契!
Two of hearts would like to have a tacit understanding that things are!
10. 她心裡想,胸口像壓著冰冷的鉛塊。
Said her heart, like cold lead in her breast .
say to oneself