加快速度的英文 加快速度用英語怎麼說?
speed up 使加速
increase speed 提高速度
常用 重點詞彙
1. 你要強迫自己加快速度,因為你也不想讓別人一直等你。
You force yourself to speed up because you don't want to keep others waiting.
2. 在平坦筆直的道路上,你可以加快速度。
On a clear, straight road you can gather/pick up speed.
3. 某人無暇做某事,必須加快速度
Used when someone has hardly enough time to do something, and they need to be quick.
4. 到達大路後,我們逐漸加快速度.
As we came onto the open road we gathered speed.
5. 我們加快速度,鏡頭趕緊跟上。
Quick as we can, on camera would be amazing.
6. 在最近的發展中,他加快速度.
He got up to speed on the recent developments.
7. 出站1英里後,火車開始加快速度.
About a mile out of the station the train began to pick up speed.
8. 這樣波浪感就會在加快速度時消失.
The choppiness will disappear when the tremolo is sped up.
9. 車加快速度,不久就拋開了其它車輛.
The car put on speed and soon pulled mazy from the other vehicles.
10. 因此,它設計了相應的系統以便加快速度。
As a result, it can design the system accordingly, allowing it to speed up tasks further.
speed up; increase speed