兩的英文 兩用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-11


two num.兩;二;兩個;兩歲;兩點鐘;兩個…一組;2號尺碼的衣物;2點的紙牌;2點的多米諾骨牌

a couple of 一對, 幾個

a few 一些, 幾個

some det.若干;一些;某個;大約;大量的;可觀的;至少有一點;了不起的;很不錯的;一點也不

liang n.兩(中國的重量單位);梁(中國的姓)

tael n.兩

常用 權威



1. 兩相電流

two-phase current

2. 兩萬一

twenty-one thousand

3. 兩卡路里

two calories

4. 兩罐子蜂蜜

two pots of honey

5. 兩樘門

two doors

6. 削價兩美元

knock $2 off

7. 兩克拉的鑽石

two-carat diamond

8. 由兩部分合成

be composed of two parts

9. 以兩馬赫速度飛行

fly at Mach 2


1. 確保學生每天戶外活動少於小時。

Students are made sure to have fewer than two hours of outdoor activity a day.

2. 《雙城記》已售出億多冊。

A Tale of Two Cities has sold more than 200 million copies.

3. 一小時的航班現在按小時的航班計費。

A one-hour flight is now billed as a two-hour flight.

4. 課程分為部分。

The course is divided into two parts.

5. 然後他們應該每週報到一次,而不是週報到一次。

And then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly.

6. 這個檔案要印一式/三/四份。

This document should be printed in duplicate/triplicate/quadruplicate.

7. 三停兒去了停兒,還剩一停兒。

When two thirds are taken away, there is only one third left.

8. 他在學術和社交方面都大獲成功。

In both his academic and social life, he carried all before him.

9. 雙方經過小時的鏖戰才決出勝負。

It took two hours’fierce contest to decide which side was stronger.

10. 這給公司造成了萬美元的大窟窿。

This caused a deficit of $20,000 to the company.






數詞 two

1. 這本書我可以借一兩天嗎?

May I borrow the book for a day or two?

2. 他們三三兩兩地走了。

They left in twos and threes.

3. 兩張紙

two pieces of paper

4. 兩位數

double figures; two-digit number; double digit number

5. 兩萬元

twenty thousand yuan

6. 兩手

both hands

7. 兩匹馬

two horses

8. 兩件套

two-piece suit; two-piecer

9. 兩間房

two rooms

10. 兩便士

twopence; tuppence

11. 兩百/千

two hundred/thousand

名詞 both sides/parties

1. 兩不吃虧。

Neither side suffers any loss.

2. 兩利

benefit both; be good for both sides

數詞 a couple of; a few; some

1. 這事過兩天再說。

Let's put it aside for a couple of days.

2. 我想講兩句。

I'd like to say a few words.

3. 開完會咱們能說兩句嗎?

Could we have a word after the meeting?

量詞 liang [a unit of weight, equal to 1/10 jin or 50 grams]

1. 二兩茶葉

two liang of tea

量詞 tael [a unit of weight for silver or gold (about 31 grams)]

1. 十兩銀子

10 taels of silver

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