辦理的英文 辦理用英語怎麼說?
deal with 處理, 對付;與…交易
handle v.觸;摸;拿;移動;搬動;操弄;處理;處置;加工;以手(或前臂)觸
transact v.辦理;處理
常用 權威
1. 辦理郵購
handle postal purchase
2. 辦理業務
handle business
3. 斟酌辦理
act at one's discretion
4. 辦理海關手續
settle the customs formalities
5. 辦理保險
take out insurance
6. 沿例辦理
act according to precedents
7. 辦理訂貨
deal with orders
8. 無權辦理
have no right to handle
9. 按老例辦理
follow an old practice
10. 辦理入住手續
check in (at a hotel)
11. 辦理退休手續
go through the retirement formalities
12. 辦理出境手續
go through exit formalities
13. 辦理郵匯業務
transfer a money-order business
14. 辦理旅館退房手續
check out of a hotel
1. 他們確信他們辦理此案沒有偏倚。
They were sure that they were even-handed in handling the case.
2. 該國大使館只辦理非移民簽證。
The Embassy only processes non-immigrant visas.
3. 此事應立即辦理,不得遷延。
This issue calls for prompt attention and brooks no delay.
4. 簽證是由移民官員辦理的。
The granting of visas is at the discretion of the immigration officials.
5. 這事很當緊,須抓緊辦理。
This is an urgent matter that calls for immediate attention. / This is an urgent matter that needs to be handled right away.
6. 這家書店辦理讀者郵購。
This bookshop accepts postal orders from readers.
7. 各銀行也辦理歐元業務。
Banks also conduct transactions in euros.
8. 我馬上要出國,這件事我只好請託他人辦理。
As I am going abroad, I will have to ask somebody else to handle this matter.
9. 迅速辦理,不得違誤。
This is to be acted upon without delay.
10. 今後本公司的有關法律事務,委託法律顧問辦理。
Hereafter, all legal matters concerning our company will be entrusted to our legal adviser.
動詞 deal with; handle; transact
1. 該國大使館只辦理非移民簽證。
The Embassy only processes non-immigrant visas.
2. 各銀行也辦理歐元業務。
Banks also conduct transactions in euros.
3. 請酌情辦理。
Please handle it as you see fit. / I'd like to leave the matter to your discretion.
4. 簽證是由移民官員辦理的。
The granting of visas is at the discretion of the immigration officials.
5. 辦理郵購
handle postal purchases; handle mail orders
6. 辦理入住手續
check in (at a hotel)
7. 辦理海關手續
settle the customs formalities
8. 辦理登機手續
check in (at an airport); go through boarding/check-in procedures
9. 辦理保險
underwrite insurance (for); buy insurance; buy an insurance policy