房產的英文 房產用英語怎麼說?
house/building property
常用 權威
1. 房產稅
house/property tax
2. 房產主
owner of a house; property owner; landlord or landlady
3. 房產證
building property title certificate; property ownership certificate
4. 購置房產
purchase house property
5. 收回房產
recover premises
6. 遺贈房產
demise premises
7. 繼承房產
inherit the house (property)
8. 房產中介
real estate agency
9. 房產市場
housing market
10. 房產抵押
house property mortgage
11. 竊據他人房產
illegally occupy another person's house
1. 兩種型別的房產外觀都被它破壞了:公共房產和私人房產。
It spoils the appearance of both types of property: public and private.
2. 承租人必須保持房產完好無損。
Tenants are obliged to maintain the property in good condition.
3. 他用房產押款創業。
He mortgaged his house in order to start a business.
4. 你的房產恰好在我們工地的正中央。
Your property happens to be slap bang in the middle of our site.
5. 房東得訂立修理房產的契約。
[with infinitive]the landlord covenants to repair the property.
6. 這房產出售沒有任何保證。
The property is sold voetstoots.
7. 他們去看了大馬爾伯勒街上的一處房產。
They looked over a property in Great Marlborough Street.
8. 這房產要不是從外面一覽無餘就更好了。
It's better if the property isn't overlooked.
9. 出租時,房產是安全的。
The premises were safe at the time of the letting.
10. 抵押貸款利率提高會造成房產市場的蕭條。
The mortgage rate increase will have a depressing effect on the housing market.
《我為樓狂》是2018年曼斯·曼斯森、阿克塞爾·彼得森執導的電影, Christian Saldert、Léonore Ekstrand、Christer Levin等出演,2018年3月16日在瑞典上映。
名詞 house/building property
1. 房產市場
housing market
2. 房產抵押
house property mortgage
3. 轉讓/擁有房產
transfer/possess house property
4. 繼承房產
inherit the house (property)