清晰地的英文 清晰地用英語怎麼說?
syllabify vt.將…分成音節(= syllabicate)
clearly adv.清晰地;明白地;明顯地;無疑地
常用 重點詞彙
1. 因此,在談論複雜的科學話題時,清晰地交流是很重要的。
Thus, it's important to communicate clearly when talking about complex science subjects.
2. 他的腳印清晰地留在沙地上。
His footsteps were clearly marked in the sand.
3. 他的聲音能清晰地傳遍這個房間。
His voice carried clearly across the room.
4. 頭腦緊張就無法清晰地思考。
A mind which is affected by stress or tension cannot think as clearly.
5. 他那高高的、智者的前額清晰地展示出一種幾乎可觸控到的思維力量。
His high,intelligent forehead proclaimed a strength of mind that was almost tangible.
6. 確定代詞清晰地指代了相關名詞。
Be sure that pronouns clearly refer to nouns.
7. 你能清晰地聽到屬於我的聲音麼?
Can you clearly hear the sounds that I make?
8. 每一段必須有一個清晰地中心句。
Prensents a clear central topic within each paragraph.
9. 科學研究對此已清晰地提出了警示。
The science is clear and alarming.
10. 藍天清晰地襯托出我們的教學大樓。
Our classroom building stood out clearly against the blue sky.
syllabify; clearly