喜劇電影的英文 喜劇電影用英語怎麼說?
comedy movie
常用 重點詞彙
1. 許多人看喜劇電影來緩和自己的悲傷。
Many people watch comedy movies to ease their sorrows .
2. 我喜歡喜劇電影, 尤其是家庭喜劇片.
I like comedy movies, especially family comedies.
3. 這部喜劇電影是關於一個女人要二婚的故事。
This funny movie is about a woman who is marrying for a second time.
4. 喜劇電影連年來都很成功,但卻是最難寫的劇本之一。
Comedy movies have been successful for years, but they are one of the hardest scripts to write.
5. 浪漫喜劇電影總說,‘你使我完整’,這並不是最健康的資訊。
The rom-com movies always say, 'You complete me,' which isn't the healthiest of messages.
6. 他奠定了現代喜劇電影
He laid the foundation for modern comedy films and a lot of artists follow his way of performing.
7. 最近幾年裡,在捷克斯洛伐克拍了幾部非常好的喜劇電影,在國內外都取得了成功。
In recent years, several very good film comedies have been made in Czechoslovakia that were successful at home and abroad.
8. 上週,琳達奧布斯特提出一個看法,她認為海外市場的經濟職責正在遏制美國喜劇電影。
Last week, Lynda Obst made a persuasive case that the economic obligations of the foreign market were strangling American film comedy.
9. 這是一部青春喜劇電影,在畢業舞會的這一天,這些高中生們的不安與秘密又將有怎樣的結局呢。
It's being billed as a comedy but expect lots of high school relationship drama to abound in this film about the big night.
10. 這部喜劇電影講述了一對水火不容的兄弟,但把背景設在了一個獨特而且只有動物的夢幻世界裡,在那裡,捕食者和被捕食者和諧共處著。
At its heart, the film is a classic oil-and-water buddy comedy but set against a unique, animals-only fantasy world where predator and prey live in harmony.
comedy movie